OMG shoes!

Haven't seen it.

I must say though, it was amusing, but I wish it was funnier especially considering 16 million views and nearly 70,000 high ratings.
Heh, by coincidence someone showed me this yesterday and I hadn't seen it before.

I love the dull way he says 'shoes'.
I love the line "these shoes are 300 f*cking dollars.. let's get 'em!"

Posted this a long time ago and Glenn closed it because he didn't think it was funny.
Any video where a guy wears a wig and pretends to be a woman gets an automatic F- from me. Its just instant funny kill.
Video is old as God but still hilarious.

And as far as the hoola hoop girls go, I'd plow that like I was the titanic and they were an iceberg.
I recall when this video wasn't overplayed and my friend showed it to me one day, and then a month later BOOOOM everywhere, everyone quoting it like Napoleon F*cking Dynamite.

Still an awesome video none the less.

Best part is "Oh.......Oh...... Oh........ Oh........Oh, by the way betch, F*CK YOU, F*CK YOU, F*CK YOUUUUU!!!!"
I'm guessing it's popular again because of Weezer