OMG So funny (Fainting Goats)

heh :D

Nature is amazing and retarded at the same time. How did this hereditary disease survive so long? That's a flagrant defiance of the survial of the fittest theorem. Unless goats originally came from predator free environments...
The best part is when the guy opens the umbrella towards them, and like a pack of 6 just fall down with their legs straight up in the air.
I remember that video :p Never really did figure out why the goat just stopped...
"With us now is a goat lover...."


Funny stuff.
The best part was where one of them just hopped along on 4 legs.
hahaha it was funny when they fell over hahahahahaha.
Mr-Fusion said:
heh :D

Nature is amazing and retarded at the same time. How did this hereditary disease survive so long? That's a flagrant defiance of the survial of the fittest theorem. Unless goats originally came from predator free environments...
It actually has very little to do with nature. It is a natural mutation, but humans have created this breed of goat. For some strange reason, people seem to find the fainting "charming" or something. It seems odd to me to want to perpetuate a so obviously detrimental (in that a goat with this mutation would never survive in the wild) gene. I know it doesn't hurt the goats, but how much fun can life be if you're falling over all the time, just because you're excited to get fed?
I would prefer if ALL species of animal, including wild ones were like this. Too much fun. Wildlife documentaries would be hilarious, with fish fainting and floating to the surface all the time, lions fainting while chasing their prey, etc.
Laivasse said:
I would prefer if ALL species of animal, including wild ones were like this. Too much fun. Wildlife documentaries would be hilarious, with fish fainting and floating to the surface all the time, lions fainting while chasing their prey, etc.
PMSL, i can imagine it now:D
roflmao, viper you made my day.

reporter:why do they faint?
goatchick:they get stiff.
:| :LOL:
ROFL @ the one that was chasing down the field and then all the sudden just fell over flat on it's back!

That's amazing, I want a fainting goat and my complimentary scary latex mask.

HAHAHAHAHAHA still laughing.... priceless!
Funny but yeah, shows how dumb and bad american news is. Firtsly that's not news and secondly the production put a goats noise every time videos show them 'fainting'.. Do americans not feel patronised by this stupid style?
Javes said:
Funny but yeah, shows how dumb and bad american news is. Firtsly that's not news and secondly the production put a goats noise every time videos show them 'fainting'.. Do americans not feel patronised by this stupid style?

Local news internationally runs out of stuff to air. I remember our Express & Echo running a front page story about a bee swarm on the outskirts of exeter during a dry period.
jondyfun said:
Local news internationally runs out of stuff to air. I remember our Express & Echo running a front page story about a bee swarm on the outskirts of exeter during a dry period.
Yeah but when i've been to the states and other times flicking through Sky in the UK there's those american national news channels and they're all so stylised as well. Just seems to me news needs to not go down to the level of people who don't bother to look up words longer than 6 letters. It's like ITV news here in Britian.
Javes said:
Yeah but when i've been to the states and other times flicking through Sky in the UK there's those american national news channels and they're all so stylised as well. Just seems to me news needs to not go down to the level of people who don't bother to look up words longer than 6 letters. It's like ITV news here in Britian.
yes itv news is a bit of a joke alright, everything is sensationalised on it.
Javes said:
Funny but yeah, shows how dumb and bad american news is. Firtsly that's not news and secondly the production put a goats noise every time videos show them 'fainting'.. Do americans not feel patronised by this stupid style?

It's not a typical news channel. Hell, I wouldn't even call it a news show. It's "A Current Afair" which is kind of the shit news. Basically takes little unimportant stories and facts that people either send in or suggest and puts them in a news format. Haven't seen this ITV news channel you guys are talking about, but I'm guessing it's pretty similar.
That's pretty sick. The people who breed animals with disabling mutations really disgust me. This reminds me of that women who started breeding cats with mutated legs so they couldn't jump.
Neutrino said:
That's pretty sick. The people who breed animals with disabling mutations really disgust me. This reminds me of that women who started breeding cats with mutated legs so they couldn't jump.

Yeah, I remember seeing those stubby legged things. People pay tons of money for them too.
Well I'm not sure about the goats. It didn't look painfull or anything, I'm sure a vet would know. The thing that sickens me is stuff like the hairless cats. They're so inbread they suffer from horrible congenital diseases and die prematurely and painfully.