OMGzors ads

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Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Valve has recently launched a large ad compaign for their upcoming zombie shooter, Left 4 Dead, which is costing the company 10 million.

So guys, this sounds big, thanksgiving football, which tons of people watch will showcase lots of L4D, and they have a giant poster in Time Sqaure as well. Be sure to post, on this thread, any pictures (prefered) of ads you see of Left 4 Dead in an area near you, and if no pics, tell us about it.
I'm hoping that since I'm 5 mins away from Valve I'll see some advertisements!

Probably not though :(
Holy scheisse, that's a lot of money! :O I wonder if the campain will help Valve finally get their first mainstream hit (ala Halo, GoW etc) on the consoles. I know Half-Life, HL2 and the OB did well, but it's not like your typical console person keeps going on and on about them on forums, like they do about Halo and GoW. I'm not saying it would be a good thing to have all those 'tards spouting the sort of OMG OMG WOW WOW SO HAWT BS about Valve games from now on, but I'd say Valve definitely deserves the financial benefits of this phenomenon... :cheers:
I hope we get the TV ad on Steam like we did for the Orange Box.
That's something not expected from Valve.
I keep seeing L4D all over the internet. I'm waiting to see it on busses next :p
When Half-life 2 was launched there were TV adverts too, I remember my heart skipping a beat seeing the lambda come on screen and fade away. Surreal.

I hope we get the ads in the UK too, anyway we should carry this discussion on in Evo's thread (better content and title) -
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