One does not simply walk into Mordor

I wish there was someway to put that on my binder. So I could carry it around.
It was ok, I guess. Didn't really laugh
Yea it was ok...I laughed a little.

Was never really a fan of that movie anyways. :|
whahaha.. i also expected SOJ but this was awesome just aswell :P
Can't you just link a whole ****ing topic back to with all .gifs? I mean what's the point posting one in each new thread.
I saw this other one earlier today...Boromir catapulted Frodo into Sauron's eye. It won the internet.

Yo Reak, I didn't see it goldmined anywhere; is there a current thread on the forums or is it in the archive? 'Cause if it's the latter, I ain't got :10bux: for archive privileges.
That was pretty funny, the bears with laser beams shooting outa their eyes was awesome.
I think i missed the humor in it :-/
Most likely cuz i hate reading though
Things you have to read just arent funny
Haha thats hilarious.

And the catpult one, It was so funny when Boromir had his sword in the air "OWNED, F**kin owned!..."

lmfao, dude the last part where boromis was looking right then left then frowns. aahhaahahah funny.
I liked both.

Bears that shoot... omg, reminds me of something I cant remember, so I guess it dosent remind me of anything!
Bears that shoot... omg, reminds me of something I cant remember, so I guess it dosent remind me of anything!

Powerpuff Girls?
lol, too funny.

And it ties into our own culture;
"You're not a ninja" :D
lol almost pissed my self
strange its not that great but it kinda tikkled me (dont take that the wrong way lol)