One for you cat lovers

Yep, cats suck

Once a cat scratched and bit my forehead....
cats r teh r0XX0rz!!

if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitten.. er.. you know what I mean...
I love cats, even though our Twink ended up wrapped around my face once...
Cats Rule!!!!

My cat is quality. She was a stray when we got her so she is actually a cat who is thankfull for us when she gets fed etc. She isnt like those big fat lazy cats who just take you for granted!

Our Other cat though... He is quite lazy. But he is still cool!

(cool game though)
Cats aren't meant to be housepets. They should be little waiters with suits on walking around with a plate on their back, serving Ice Tea for all my friends...
Frank said:
Cats aren't meant to be housepets. They should be little waiters with suits on walking around with a plate on their back, serving Ice Tea for all my friends...

by the sounds of that, some cat 0wned you by gettin you in the face :laugh:

lol /jk man
I would picture them as art critics.. with berets, turtleneck and sunglasses..
Not Twink... he had the lowest IQ of any cat I've ever known... no matter how many times he got his head stuck in the door while trying to sneak in after someone, he never quite cottoned on to the fact that he wasn't allowed inside...
Brian Damage said:
Not Twink... he had the lowest IQ of any cat I've ever known... no matter how many times he got his head stuck in the door while trying to sneak in after someone, he never quite cottoned on to the fact that he wasn't allowed inside...

Sounds like he could use a suit and a plate so he could serve me Ice Tea...
EDIT: And his name should be Jeffrey.....not TWINK!
*Tommorows news*

"In todays news a man who goes by the alias Chris_D was found dead, after apparently suffering lethal scratch wounds to the scrotum and general crotch area"
Any of you guys know the newspaper comic strip Get Fuzzy? The cat in that is the perfect example of a cats personality.

Anyway, cats are fun when there hunting, or playing, any other time there just boring.
Farrowlesparrow said:
*Tommorows news*

"In todays news a man who goes by the alias Chris_D was found dead, after apparently suffering lethal scratch wounds to the scrotum and general crotch area"

I love cats really, just thought the game was fun.
the games is very fun, but i love cats. actually, tom (male,grey) is sitting infront of the moniter right now. he does it about every day when i get home from school. he likes to be in your feild of view... i only let him sit there if im doing something unimportant, like posting on this forum ;)
i have 3 cats... the black one (knuckles) will sit on anything. ANYTHING!!! when i was young she sat on my LEGO!!! seriosly!!! and in the winter she puts her face to the radiator and goes to sleep. i cant even hold my hant to it for 5 seconds and she sleeps next to it!!!! She is either very 'ard or too lazy to move. the latter fits.
I remember when we went camping in France about 12 years ago, a cat came over and we (being small children) were like
"Aww luk at teh littal kitteh"
and the cat just ignored us
"Meeyou, you stupide English persons"
So then it walked over to the fire to warm itself up, but when it turned away it wafted its tail into the flames and set on fire...It ran off and as it ran the flames went out...Twas funny indeed.
no, but they do like to have their pride. WOW ItS SNOWING AGAIN....
my cat is my alarm- IF my door is open in the mornings. Here is what each does:
Tom (male): meeeaaaawws for 10 mins, then jumps on windowsill (my bed is a high 1- like a bunk neds but with a desk underneath and not a bunk) he then jumps a meter high and lands on my face.
maisie(female) climbs the ladder. she twists from the first to second, second to third etc. the she clings on to the matress (thinking shitshitshit im gonna fall- ill never make it this time) hauls herself up and starts to lick me.
Knuckles(female) too lazy to even wake up. plus i put her in a dustbin wheni was 5 and she never forgave me.

y do they do this? A) the want feeding or B) they want m,e to tickkle them... cute.
Im surprised that no one has mentioned this yet but there is this site that's based in NYC that sells what they call bonsai kittens, cats that have been stuffed into bottles n' stuff... really freeky.
Now I'm pretty sure that that one is a hoax... I've read about it several times on different sites. It's a bit like those pages with the guys that are advertising cabbits... there's even an admission that the thing is fake buried somewhere in the HTML, I think...
*Gets elmer fudd costume and gun*

I'ma kill em all!
I hate cats..and children...

well just kidding about the children..but I can't stand cats. Kittens are nice and cute though :)