One last check before i order my new computer!


Nov 1, 2004
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A while ago i got help here to select hardware for my new computer! I had to move the whole thing up a bit because of other things going on but now i have the time and money to do it.

DVD Player/burner and hard drive i will take from my current computer.




Graphics Card:



Also i plan to buy one of these to put in the PCI slot next to the second X16 slot which the 8800 takes up (it takes up 2) to lower the temp just some 10 degrees or so

I just want one last check, to make sure everything is compatible with everything, or any other suggestions!

Thank you
Everything looks great to me. I've never used that PCI cooler before, but the reviews seem at least decent, and it's only four bucks, so it shouldn't be a problem :p

A damn fine computer you're building there.

the thing im worried about tho is that the powersupply might not have enough/the correct pins. I mean it only lists 2 pairs of pins in the specification but in the pictures i see tons of pins which confuses me! How do i know theres the correct amount of pins and that they are the correct types of pins compatible with my other hardware?
That PCI cooler is shit. I bought one thinking it would help. It doesn't and it's loud.
The powersupply looks fine. It has the 24pin and 4pin plug for the motherboard. (you won't use the 8pin one)

FYI that silver heatsink that says MSI on it gets pretty hot to the touch. Don't touch... lol
My brother has the same board (without SLI). It runs perfectly fine though.

That PCI cooler is shit. I bought one thinking it would help. It doesn't and it's loud.
Yeah, I've bought PCI coolers before and they always end up being loud. And they are sorta cheap so when they begin to fail they are even louder. hehe
They don't save you if you have bad air flow and not worth it if you have good air flow.
The PC case seems kinda cheapo, what about getting an Antec Nine Hundred. All the Cool kids are getting one.
I bought a similar PCI cooler made by Antec. It had a patented extension that could be used so it could be positioned directly over the VGA card, but guess what - the card already has a fan. right now I've got it aimed at my sound card. Mine has 3 speeds and isn't loud except for once or twice a week it decides it will vibrate for about 10 minutes (a bit annoying) then it is normal again.

I don't think it helps much, like the others said. With a case like the one you are getting, with a side mount fan, Don't think you will need it - besides it's the wrong color and probably going to just make noise.

For $4 though, maybe you will roll it till the wheels fall off. Might look cool against green.
k, thanks for all the help.

Now im starting to wonder about the RAM, i recently found 4gb (2x 2gb) ram cards. They are kinda expensive but i found a few for good prices but the reviews are worrying.

1) If the cards are 667, will they still work on a 800 only motherboard?

2) I heard that any Windows OS that is 32 has a limit of 3GB, so does this mean i must get a 64 OS if i get 4 gbs?

I figure that if i buy 4gb in 2 sticks then later on i can add another 4gb in another 2 sticks so i have a total of 8 gb!

Here are a few of them, they seem good but the reviews are worrying, and the company who makes them doesnt seem reliable, like Kingston is.

share ur thoughts about this, if you can recommend any 4gb (2 sticks) RAM cards between 140-250 dollars then please do so!

I think the first one you linked would be a good buy. You don't really need 64bit if you buy 4gb, but indeed 32bit windows can only use 3.25gb of it. But 3.25gb is more than enough for anything in the near future.