One missed call sucks


Jul 22, 2006
Reaction score
Last weekend me and some friends went to see the movie "One missed Call"

It sucked.

IMO it was really boring and a lot of parts were laughable because of how stupid they were. Also the plot didn't make a whole lot of sense and the ending really blew.

Also throughout the hole movie you could see the mic they used when filming it hanging around the top of the screen and some times even right above the characters heads :|

Did anyone else see the movie? what did you think?
It's an american remake of an eastern horror movie. Nuff said.
Also, throughout the whole movie you could see the mic they used when filming it hanging around the top of the screen and some times even right above the characters heads :|

Did anyone else see the movie? what did you think?

Seeing the boom mic probably means that you were watching it on a non-standard theatre screen. The local small-theatre in my home town used to always have movies with the boom bobbing in and out of the shot. The editors weren't stupid though. On most movie screens that part would have been cut out at the top edge of the screen.
This is no surprise. Next time see some good movies with your friends. I'd recomend Baby Geniuses 2: Superbabies, The Mask 2, and The Pacifier.
If you went and saw that movie because of the trailer, you need to die. Even in the trailer I knew it was obviously going to be shit.
It managed a 0% rating over at Rotten Tomatoes. Would more would you expect?
This is no surprise. Next time see some good movies with your friends. I'd recomend Baby Geniuses 2: Superbabies, The Mask 2, and The Pacifier.

The Pacifier was actually somewhat enjoyable.

But then again I watched it in an inflight movie when I flew to Florida.
Probably would've never willingly watched it otherwise.