One of the most underrated actors of our generation (my opinion)


May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Edward Norton.

I don’t know why, but it seems people never talk about that guy. But man, he is a very good actor, I would give him Oscar just for American History X role alone. Here are some of his best roles, in my opinion.


This is the story of the last twenty four hours Monty Brogan (Norton) gets to spend with his two best friends, Frank (Pepper), a bonds trader, and Jakob (Hoffman), a high school English teacher, and his girlfriend, Naturelle (Dawson), before he goes to prison for seven years for pushing heroin, as they party the night away in New York City one last time

That's a very touching movie, but the most important thing is about human interaction. It seems he is the one with a problem, but his friends, family, etc. don't really listen to him, but concentrated on their own problems. Reminds me of real life too much. Also, rises the question, what would you do in situation like that one.


Edward Norton gives an impassioned performance as Derek Vinyard, a Southern Californian skinhead who must do time after committing a hateful murder. Once in jail, his mind opens and he sees the error of his ways. Upon reentering the real world, he must now turn his attentions to his younger brother Danny, who is swiftly heading down the same path as his brother.

What can I say, contains one of my all time favorite quotes: "Has anything you've done made your life better?"
I don’t know what else to say, go and watch it!


FIGHT CLUB is narrated by a lonely, unfulfilled young man (Edward Norton) who finds his only comfort in feigning terminal illness and attending disease support groups. Hopping from group to group, he encounters another pretender, or "tourist," the morose Marla Singer (Helena Bonham Carter), who immediately gets under his skin. However, while returning from a business trip, he meets a more intriguing character--the subversive Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt). They become fast friends, bonding over a mutual disgust for corporate consumer-culture hypocrisy. Eventually, the two start Fight Club, which convenes in a bar basement where angry men get to vent their frustrations in brutal, bare-knuckle bouts. Fight Club soon becomes the men's only real priority; when the club starts a cross-country expansion, things start getting really crazy.

Who didn’t see this coming? Come on guys, you know movie wouldn’t be the same without Ed narration there. These words “With Insomnia nothing is real…” are like music to my ears :)
Again, if you didn’t see that movie, you didn’t experience your life to the fullest yet.

Okay here are some more movies with him, which I recommend you to see:

The Score
Primal Fear
Italy Job
Pic? Or a link of him? I remember seeing one guy I didn't know in Fight Club. I didn't see the entire thing though. Just caught a glimpse of the movie.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
^ A camera can do a lot of magic;)

No, he just takes his roles seriously. If he needs to look tough, he will, if he needs to look skinny, he will. The point is, it all depends on the role.
I think I've seen him some where. I don't know where. Can't remember when I saw him. That's the tough part. Really tough.
He's one of my fav. actors too....
I thought he was well known though.....

Espically for fight club (he's the main ****ing star of it)
every single edward norton movie ive seen he was awesome in it. American History X is prolly his best role, he owned in that
Indeed, people tend to put put off by the swastika on his chest, it's actually a really good film and is actually against the whole phenomenon it covers.

Well worth the watch, he looks absolutely monstrous in AHX, yet so thin in Fight Club.
Underated? He is a great actor, but he is not underated. He gets all the cool parts. DId you see 25th hour? Very cool. American History X is one of my favorite dramas. He is a great actor, but he is given credit.
There is no way in holy goddamn jesus that Edward Norton is underrated. If anything, he's one of the most overrated actors of our generation. Fair enough, he was in Fight Club, which is a pretty damn good movie. Fair enough he was in American History X, which was a pretty damn good movie. Apart from those two movies, his performances have hardly been electrifying. And let's be fair, it was Brad Pitt that made Fight Club, Norton was just along for the ride.
I agree, Edward Norton is simply one of the most talented actors in the world today.
I thought everone knew Edward Norton was a great actor? well i know i did. :bounce:
Ed Norton isnt underrated, he may actually be a bit overrated. His career choices have gone down hill quite a bit in the last year or two, and hes starting to repeat parts of performances (ie the retarded act in Primal Fear then again in The Score). I think hes a quite good actor but I dunno, like Ive got a friend who thinks this guy is like the best of alltime or something, and thats not even remotely true. But I dont think hes done anything noteworthy since Fight Club. The Score, Red Dragon, 25th Hour were all ho hum and dont get me started on Death To Smoochy and that horrible romantic comedy with Ben Stiller (I cant even remember the name).
Youy wanna talk undderated look at Johnny Depp. Its a damn shame it takes a mainstream big budget summer movie (Pirates of the Caribbean) for this guy to get noticed. Hes been making great performances for years in off beat, quircky, non Hollywood films. I highly recommend anything from Edward Scissorhands, Ed Wood, Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, Donnie Brasco, Blow, and Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas.
Originally posted by Bass
Youy wanna talk undderated look at Johnny Depp. Its a damn shame it takes a mainstream big budget summer movie (Pirates of the Caribbean) for this guy to get noticed. Hes been making great performances for years in off beat, quircky, non Hollywood films. I highly recommend anything from Edward Scissorhands, Ed Wood, Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, Donnie Brasco, Blow, and Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas.

i know, greatly underrated

lol both of these actors are very well known.
you guys must live in the boonies.
Guys, Jonny Depp was underrated, no he got pretty famous. And yes Sitler, I think Ed still doesn't get enough recognition. I agree, his last roles choices weren't the best one, but he was able to carry them, just seeing his parts in Italy Job was worth watching the movie for me. But look, people can’t shut up about lame asses like Ashton Kutcher or some other pretty boys. And I don’t agree that Fight Club would be the same without Norton, and that it was all about Brad Pitt.
I have to agree with you, Reak- I loved Edward's performances in The Score (Possibly one of my favourite films) and Death to Smoochy (Second to Robin Williams, though ;)).
Ryan Gosling is an awesome actor.

Edward Norton underrated? Please. He gets enough credit. He's a good actor too.
You do have to admit that American History X and even Fight Club are not movies for everyone. So obviously he does not have the name recognition other actors have.

Both of them were very good movies, of course (Fight Club is my favorite movie of all time)
Liked him in Fight Club, thought American History X was a tad overated.

I'd rather cut my left nut off than see the remake of the Italian Job (couldn't make this stuff up :( ) so i'll never know what his performance was like.

(Apparently Edward Norton really didn't want to be in the Italian Job ......... but was obliged due to contract stuff :/ Who can blame him??)
Fear and Loathing kicks exuberant amounts of ass.

But lets not forget about Pirates of the Caribian.
This guy is a great actor. Way better then alekkk baldwin, harison ford, george kkkloney and on and on and on...

He is really authentic and not another hollywood phoney.

He deserves an oscar.
hollywood sucks. This is the place that picked shakespear in love 'best movie' over SAVING PRIVATE RYAN. What kind of bull chips is that?
Personally I think Edward Norton is a great actor (as is Johnny Depp who was mentioned in this post as well). American History X was great and although I think Brad Pitt is good as well, Edward Norton's acting was superb in Fight Club. However I'm not so sure he's underrated, I think most people know of him and those who do know him think he's pretty darn good!