One or the Other...


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Ok, for Christmas this year I'm kinda poor, I can only spend about $215, so I have 2 choices of things I want:

1) PSP Bundle (comes with 1 movie + 1 game + memory stick + PSP carrying case and all the "Accessories")
2) Nintendo DS + alot of games

Which one is more worth it in the long run?

Oh ya, if both of these arent worth it, I can get a gift card from EB games and buy like 6 NEW games...
Dog-- said:
Ok, for Christmas this year I'm kinda poor, I can only spend about $215, so I have 2 choices of things I want:

1) PSP Bundle (comes with 1 movie + 1 game + memory stick + PSP carrying case and all the "Accessories")
2) Nintendo DS + alot of games

Which one is more worth it in the long run?

Oh ya, if both of these arent worth it, I can get a gift card from EB games and buy like 6 NEW games...

Buy the 6 and send one my way. Please. You think you are poor, I have 3 dollars in my wallet right now.

I can't tell you how serious I am ....
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, you got 3 dollars in your wallet?


I'm not even joking either.. it's sad...
No, I'm just saying my mom and dad are poor this christmas, we just bought a 250,000 dollar house, so we don't have as much as we usually would for Xmas..
wow, $215....i really feel sorry for you. Sometimes i feel so spoiled because i keep asking for stuff when i got everything i need. My dad makes 10.000$ a month (without taxes).

Man, i hate money...
Well, My family would be rich but my mom and dad have 3 kids, including me. My dad makes $2000 a week, but he needs to pay bills, ect, ect...

My mom makes like $400 a week, she works part time, and even with that $2400 (Estimated) a week, we only see MAYBE $300-$350 of it.. $200 of which gets spent on food every week, I'm not poor but I'm not rich either, My family is more than average money wise.. We used to be way richer, like $700 on each of us for Xmas, but the place where My mom worked full time ($1500 a week) closed down, so since the past few years she has been working in a part time job.

Back on topic, What should I get?

I'm aiming for the PSP because all of it's features, but the DS is fun too...
I've heard more good things about the ds, which I find surprising, but I kind of want one now
Dog-- said:
Ok, for Christmas this year I'm kinda poor, I can only spend about $215, so I have 2 choices of things I want:

1) PSP Bundle (comes with 1 movie + 1 game + memory stick + PSP carrying case and all the "Accessories")
2) Nintendo DS + alot of games

Which one is more worth it in the long run?

Oh ya, if both of these arent worth it, I can get a gift card from EB games and buy like 6 NEW games...
Oh ya, if both of these arent worth it, I can get a gift card from EB games and buy like 6 NEW games...

or xbox 360
Personally, I'd go with the DS/games.

Although you could pick up a Gamecube and some games for an exorbitantly low price as well. Wind Waker, Super Monkey Ball 2 and Smash Bros. are awesome.
Oh ya, the 360, They sell those all over the place for $200, I can afford it!

I said I got $215, not $400, no 360 for me until I turn 15 and get a job (This april I turn 15)
My parents got a home theater system for Christmas which I already have set up in my livingroom. So, that means not much when it comes to games/consoles this year. But I don't want any, I just want a Graphire. Get a Graphire. And color stuff in Photoshop.
Thats if he's artistic, which he may not be. I'd say buy a TV and Dvd Player for your room.
DS and get Daigasso! Band Brothers.

Best Game Evar for DS

*I think it's for DS....isn't that the newest Nintendo one?
DS! Why would you want to play films on such a tiny screen?
Portables are gay. Theres only like 1-2 good games EVER released for them, and they cost as much as a full sized console. Save some $$$ and get a real console with good games.
Use that money to save up for a PS3 or the forums will explode.
Loc-Dog said:
Theres only like 1-2 good games EVER released for them

There's already considerably more good games on the DS than that ;) (with many on the way) It's got more play time than my pc in recent months, infact.

So, you're talking crap - don't let the door hit you on the way out :)
I'd probably get a DS...with mario kart, advance wars and some others
The reason I'm considering a PSP is because I don't nor have I ever owned an MP3 player, and since I can get it anyways, it got games, I travel alot so movies are always good, I think I'm gonna get the PSP..

I gotta do a bit more reasearch (Reading Reviews)
I would go for the DS, although i'd rather get a tablet.