Onimusha Series Horrifically Underrated


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
It's been in the bargain bin since I discovered these Onimusha games 4 years ago. Noone talks about these games, they're not widely popular, but my god, I just bought the entire series and played through them all over the last month. This is an awesome series which actually got better with every title. Dawn of Dreams co-op is insanely fun. RPG elements, plenty of combos, a story line (not a great one, but better than most trash we see), very nice graphics, etc. Why is Onimusha so far under the radar?
Let me guess? You play a guy with a sword who must complete quests?

Its underrated because there are 1000 games out there like that...
I really like these games, they feel like RE set in medieval japan(and france for the third game), the first Onimusha was one of my first PS2 games, I loved it :)
I really like Onimusha as well. I've finished 1, 2, and 3 I think (though I may have not finished number 2), and really liked Onimusha tactics on the gameboy advance.

One reason they aren't that popular right now is because they are old, even for the older systems.

If they made a new game, people would be all over it. It doesn't have the Resident Evil type fan-fare, but few games do.

All they have to do is make a great game, and put an add in a few magazines, and put a couple commercials on TV, and it's all the buzz.
I played the first one, Onimusha 3 for the PC and it wasn't that great. The only thing similar to RE is that it's a 3rd person walk-about-thingy. Nothing else is nearly as good.
Played and finished Onimusha 1, quality game.
I beat the first three on the ps2. I went to blockbuster the other day and saw that there was another one. I never even heard about it.
First one was good, rest of the series were killed by Devil May Cry franchise.
Let me guess? You play a guy with a sword who must complete quests?

Its underrated because there are 1000 games out there like that...

There's at least 1,000 games where you get a gun and shoot aliens, but you wouldn't call HL2 underrated.

I get your point though. :P
Honestly, it is considered to be amoung the best games ever, but by a minority. Halo 2 probably has more fans that Half-Life 2, despite it being so inferior.
Yes, but those fans tend to be editors of magazines and other stuff like that. I mean, Halo 2 has fans in high places, but Half-Life 2 isn't exactly underrated - except by non-gamers.
Yes, but those fans tend to be editors of magazines and other stuff like that. I mean, Halo 2 has fans in high places, but Half-Life 2 isn't exactly underrated - except by non-gamers.

The HL2 fan base is almost entirely underground.

The Halo 2 fan base is almost entirely mainstream.

I could ask at least 20 people at a local mall what Half Life 2 is, and majority would respond with some sort of blank stare.

I can ask at least 100 people from anywhere in the world what Halo 2 is, and the EXTREME majority would say "kickass FPS".

It are bes underrated by the mainstream, which is the great majority, meaning most people underrate it.


EDIT: It's late, i'm tired, have a paper to write, don't laugh.
I think I played a little of the first one on a friend's Dreamcast a few years back.

Can't remember a thing about it except for the horrid voice acting.