Onimusha The Trilogy.


Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
Well I was curious, I bought the first game and just got the wind crystal and weapon and was wondering, how do you guys rate this game and its predesesors?

I really want to play Onimusha 3 ... mainly because of this trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/gt_vault/t_onimusha3_e3_2k4.html

It looks totally awesome, the CGI and in game graphics are wicked!!! Any of you play it yet and what do you rate it?
kinda old trailer, but still very good stuff. didnt like the first 2 so much, but the 3rd looks promising :D
I just saw the Onimusha 3 trailer on a DVD preview disc I got from EB.

One thing... what's with the French guy? Wasn't he on Godzilla?
lol.. he looks familiar, like some Russian actor I believe... I dont remember his name though.
The actor is Jean Reno.
He was born in Casablanca I believe and is famous for his role in the movie "The Professional"
Tredoslop said:
The actor is Jean Reanos.
He is French I believe and is famous for his role in the movie "The Professional"

LÉON. That's the proper name.