Online College Courses


Nov 16, 2003
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I was wondering if anyone in here had done any online college courses, preferably A levels and what you thought of them. I am hoping to enroll in A level Physics and A level maths and doing about a good 25hours a week on them.
There are such a thing called "online courses" in college ?
you should take one of those matchbook correspondence courses ...I'm currently taking a course in Hostage negotiation ....not doing to well ...hostages keep getting killed. Think I'll try "airplane mechanic" next :E
Razor perhaps look for some forums more suited to what youre looking for?

and 25 hours for 2 a levs sounds about right to be honest with you. good luck with the a levels - i did the ones youre planning to take back in 2001. good choices! :)

but its really better to have a teacher especially for such difficult subjects. consider enrolling at local college?
I've taken 2-3 undergrad online courses which weren't too bad. I tried to take two Master's level courses (via distance education), which is basically online, and that was a different story ;( . All of these were in Electrical Engineering, so they were a tad more involved than say english, math, etc.
just sign up for any courses you see advertised on TV, everyone in the commericials seems very happy and successfull so you know the commercials just gotta be true :D
I've taken online courses, they're really easy. You don't have to spend near the amount of time you normally would, but they're easy to forget about :p
The reason i didn't want to go back to college is because the teaching is very strict and i am forced to go at the pace of the teacher, which is usually the same pace as the slowest person in the class and it would take 2 years to do an A level, whereas online, it is only 8 - 10 months max.
I didn't go to any classes and learned most of my courses the day before the exam. I then realized that there was never any need to go to class in the first place and I might as well not have payed 500 dollars for all of the lectures and tutorials that I skipped when it was all compacted in a textbook which I borrowed from the library and the internet. I'd assume that the lectures will be more useful for more advanced classes.
Razor said:
The reason i didn't want to go back to college is because the teaching is very strict and i am forced to go at the pace of the teacher, which is usually the same pace as the slowest person in the class and it would take 2 years to do an A level, whereas online, it is only 8 - 10 months max.

If that's the case you may want to consider doing a further maths a-level the year after...just a suggestion.

Maths A-Level is tough, Physics is pretty easy. I got an A in both, but the Maths was a lot more work. Lucky I had special revision guides, which narrow everything down into a few pages, with lots of examples to follow.