Online games stop after a few seconds.


Sep 8, 2004
Reaction score
I've searched and couldn't find a solution to this - hopefully someone will have seen something I haven't.

Every time I log in to a steam online game, I load up the level, drop into the world and start playing, only for everything to freeze in what's best described as 'infinite lag' - I can look around, everything is still being rendered, but everything is frozen, including myself, and if I was moving at the time of freeze, I vibrate in a way that's similar to laggy play - but it never stops.

I'm running an A64 3000+ (OC'ed, but I've checked without too), an X800, 1GB RAM, a VIA chipset mobo, and a Lifestyle wifi card hooked up to a BT broadband wireless router. I've validated all my files, updated the newest DX and Radeon drivers, and deleted my clientregistry file. I'm using XP.

If anyone has a solution or has experienced/is experiencing something similar, it'd be great to hear from you.

Cheers, Jon
Are your rates fine? (console commands: rate, cl_updaterate and cl_cmdrate or something like that)
sounds like you're just lagging out on connect. Could be your wireless that's a problem. Does your router have a wire port you can plug into to test?