Online Kendo resources


Feb 27, 2004
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I've wanted to learn a martial art for a while, and Kendo sticks out as one of the more interesting ones to me. I'm looking for online information about Kendo, mainly just basic information; enough for me to decide if I'm actually interested before I actually invest time and money into it.
Well since there are google bombers youll hafta look at later pages.
If there is a kendo school near you they will usually have a first free lesson where you can go along and see if you like it, see what the other people are doing.
This would be most recomended if you wish to learn it, trying to learn a martial art at home requires lots of effort and most people will give up.

I'm damn annoyed where i live, the nearest clubs are 20 miles away and mainly karate and tae kwon do being taken by loads of 10 year olds.......
Jiu jitsu and ninjitsu schools are like 35 miles away, bit of an effort going that far for them when i don't even drive.
I found a bujitsu (ninjitsu) club near me, looks well good!

As soon as I get a car, I'm going to join.
There might be a school near here (About 6 miles), but I'm not totally sure if they actually teach Kendo. It came up on a google local search for "Kendo" but it kinda looks like it's just a bunch of martial arts-related keywords. They have a website, but it's got to be one of the crappiest sites I've seen in a long while... Homestead.