Online route planning tools?


Apr 28, 2004
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I have to go into London tomorrow and collect equipment from various houses. I have a list of addresses, but its up to me what order I do them in.
This looks like it might be something I have to do on a fairly freq basis, so I was wondering if there are any route planning tools that will let me give it the address's, then give me back the shortest route to hit them all?

I've had a hunt on google and can't find anything, but I thought I'd ask you guys before giving up. Ideally I'd like an online tool, but I'll consider picking up retail software if this becomes a regular thing, so feel free to suggest any that will do it :)

Nevermind... use Google Maps, and click the "add destination" link.
Thanks. It dosen't quite do what I need, but I appreciate the suggestion. I can just add the locations to my GPS, but that dosen't tell me the shortest route to take to all of them.

What I'm looking for is a tool that will take a list of where I have to go, and tell me what order to do them in to be most efficient.

I have another of these days coming in friday, I'd like to find something by then of poss.