Only 16% Support Clinton Presidential Bid

If Giuliani does run, I'll most likely be voting for him. He'll be the first decent candidate since...Kennedy :|.
Yeah I like that he has broad appeal to both sides. I want someone in who's fully right wing but I realize that putting that forth as a candidate isn't going to win over everyone's affection. While Giuliani is a little more moderate on some issues than I'd like, he still did a great job in his term, and what he did focus on I LOVED.

I think he could depolarize the country a bit too, even just running. He wouldn't even have to win, the hate factor just wouldn't be present as much.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Yeah I like that he has broad appeal to both sides. I want someone in who's fully right wing but I realize that putting that forth as a candidate isn't going to win over everyone's affection. While Giuliani is a little more moderate on some issues than I'd like, he still did a great job in his term, and what he did focus on I LOVED.

I think he could depolarize the country a bit too, even just running. He wouldn't even have to win, the hate factor just wouldn't be present as much.

IMO depolarizing the country alone is one of the bigger issues we have. Theres waay too much bias in this country to get anywhere. It becomes battles of beating the other side rather than solving the issue.
But like Tenjin said, he's pretty moderate and that's what I like about him. He appeals to both sides. He isn't overly conservative and that's the kind of candidate I'm looking for.
I sincerely hope Hillary doesn't run. It's amazing to me that the public seems to think that only two families are capable of running this country for the past 20 years. :| (Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush... and now maybe Clinton)
I don't want Hillary to run. This country just isn't ready for a female president. I'd like to see Kerry run again.
Thank god, the last thing we need is that fugly bitch in the white house again

I approve of Giuliani, he'd be a pretty decent president
Colin Powell would be better, but he'll never go for it
satch919 said:
I don't want Hillary to run. This country just isn't ready for a female president. I'd like to see Kerry run again.

the fact that she's a womesn doesnt matter, she compares crack to porn

she lost my vote when she said that.

Kerry is a traitor imo
Well im a hard right winger,but i would vote for Giuliani. I think he would make a good President.
Hmm... I don't hate hillary nearly as much as most. I'd vote for her. I mean, I'm not a huge fan, but I do agree with her on some fronts.

Nonetheless, Giuliani would be a possibility. Although I'd LOVE to see McCain run.
Spicy Tuna said:
the fact that she's a womesn doesnt matter, she compares crack to porn

she lost my vote when she said that.

Kerry is a traitor imo

How the hell is he a traitor. He may be as interesting and charismatic as a doorknob but I don't think that constitutes him as a traitor :rolleyes:
JNightshade said:
Hmm... I don't hate hillary nearly as much as most. I'd vote for her. I mean, I'm not a huge fan, but I do agree with her on some fronts.

Nonetheless, Giuliani would be a possibility. Although I'd LOVE to see McCain run.
I would vote for McCain over Giuliani in a Republican primary. Arizona represent!
satch919 said:
This country just isn't ready for a female president.
I was going to ask why you thought that, but then...

Icarusintel said:
Thank god, the last thing we need is that fugly bitch in the white house again
Thank you and good night.
<Walks off, shaking head>
el Chi said:
I was going to ask why you thought that, but then...

Thank you and good night.
<Walks off, shaking head>
I'm pretty sure he said that because of her views and actions, not because she's a woman.

IE: If it was a man and you said "Oh god I don't want THAT asshole dick in there now" no one would perceive it as sexist, even though it doesn't really make sense to use those terms in reference to a woman.
With the McCain vs. Giuliani, I think Giuliani's the only Rep. I'd actually want to vote for. Since the 1800s. know, If I was alive in the 1800s.

But, McCain's a good guy. Just, I think Giuliani would make a better Pres. For '08 anyway.
el Chi said:
I was Thank you and good night.
<Walks off, shaking head>
I don;t like Hillary because of all her bullshit political crusades about things that she doesn;t seem to understand or truly care about - I personally wouldn't mind seeing a woman President, though a black President is more likely to come first
Icarusintel said:
- I personally wouldn't mind seeing a woman President, though a black President is more likely to come first

hmm...don't some think a woman President could come first?
well either its a step in the right direction assuming the candidates are worthy.

if i were American and voting...i'd probably vote for Giuliani.
Dr. Freeman said:
hmm...don't some think a woman President could come first?
well either its a step in the right direction assuming the candidates are worthy.

if i were American and voting...i'd probably vote for Giuliani.

Why would you prefer a woman president, or claim it's a "step in a right direction"? I find that to be very sexist. The gender doesn't matter one bit, it's the policies that count.
No, he's saying a woman president indicates that America is becoming less gender-biased, which is a step in the right direction. The actual election isn't.

At least, that's how I interpreted it...
Let me explain my comment that America isn't ready for a female president.

While things are getting better in this country concerning gender bias, we still have a ways to go. A lot of people believe that a woman's place is in the home, raising the children. Some men are put off by a "dominating" woman. This is America, but we still have social and gender issues to deal with.

That comment about Kerry being a traitor is just bogus. You obviously bought into that smear campaign that Bush/Cheney/Rove put together. :|
Women in America are on the rise of being in college, moreover than men. Us, guys need to put our gears in check. Or else, women will be the ones bustin' their asses off at work, while men stay home and tend to the house and children.. pretty weird.
ailevation said:
Women in America are on the rise of being in college, moreover than men. Us, guys need to put our gears in check. Or else, women will be the ones bustin' their asses off at work, while men stay home and tend to the house and children.. pretty weird. work? Im all for it. Ill stay home...hand the kid a box of cereal, a gallon of milk and he will be good the rest of the day. After that I get to go play games. **** yeah!
Spicy Tuna said:
Kerry is a traitor imo

To what, exactly? o_O

Giuliani seems like an OK guy (whereas Hilary Clinton = annoying) - what's his policies?
JNightshade said:
Although I'd LOVE to see McCain run.

John McCain already has my vote. There's a man who can get things done and if there is anyone to depolarize the nation, its him...or Giuliani :E

Voting for Hilary is like voting for Tipper Gore...*blech*
ailevation said:
Women in America are on the rise of being in college, moreover than men. Us, guys need to put our gears in check. Or else, women will be the ones bustin' their asses off at work, while men stay home and tend to the house and children.. pretty weird.
Wait a minute, there are women that aren;t in a kitchen, cooking for the men and taking care of the kids!?

This situation needs to be rectified immediately, lest it bring about the Apocalypse!
I want Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the presidential wheelchair come '08
JNightshade said:
No, he's saying a woman president indicates that America is becoming less gender-biased, which is a step in the right direction. The actual election isn't.

At least, that's how I interpreted it...

and thats what i was trying to say.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Yeah I like that he has broad appeal to both sides. I want someone in who's fully right wing but I realize that putting that forth as a candidate isn't going to win over everyone's affection. While Giuliani is a little more moderate on some issues than I'd like, he still did a great job in his term, and what he did focus on I LOVED.

I think he could depolarize the country a bit too, even just running. He wouldn't even have to win, the hate factor just wouldn't be present as much.

I think anyone who is fully right or left wing would be terrible. It would only serve to divide the country even more.
This one may be the poll from the Repblican's opinion. Not the public's. Consider Bush is such an unpopular figure. And the poll is only a tool used to manipulate public's minding.

It may show that Republican fear Mrs. Clinton. They do a pre-psychological propaganda in advance and wish Democrats choosing some incompetent candidate.

Remember when Mrs. Clinton competed for the Senator of New York, Guilianee had to find some excuse to withdraw from the campaign to avoid a humiliate failure.

It's another "swift boot" discredit tactic.
i don't like hillary. She comes across as a cold cold bitch. But more over I also find her mini crusades unsettling. I'd vote for Guiliani or McCain
kathaksung said:
This one may be the poll from the Repblican's opinion. Not the public's. Consider Bush is such an unpopular figure. And the poll is only a tool used to manipulate public's minding.

It may show that Republican fear Mrs. Clinton. They do a pre-psychological propaganda in advance and wish Democrats choosing some incompetent candidate.

Remember when Mrs. Clinton competed for the Senator of New York, Guilianee had to find some excuse to withdraw from the campaign to avoid a humiliate failure.

It's another "swift boot" discredit tactic.
It's a CNN Gallup poll. It doesn't mean 84% are against her, it means that only 16% are absolutely sure they would vote for her if she were to run.

The poll that you speak of among Republican respondants only is also mentioned in the blurb. 90 percent of Republicans and 75 percent of conservatives say there's no way they'd back her.

In total the poll found 51% currently said they would for sure NOT vote for her. 46% also said they would for sure NOT vote for Condoleeza Rice, also. Far from any form of propaganda, those numbers are pretty much even this early, as far as opposition goes. It was just expected that Hillary's own camp would be far more gung ho about her is all. (since if she runs she won't be running on converting republican votes but on getting her base up and voting)
Condoleeza Rice is the true evil behind George W Bush so having her as President would just accelerate America further down the the moment, it's floating in the toilet with out such nations as North Korea and Sudan. England on the other hand is the only country with the honesty and trust to be allowed to use the flush...i think that's what's going to happen if Condeleeza Rice does get in.

They should just bring Bill Clinton back, he was a great president and has carried on being a great man after his presidency ran out.
Javert said:
David Palmer for president!

He's dead though. :|

And Kerry shouldn't run again, he's a ****ing lying scumbag.
McCain ftw.
To be honest I can't say much about possible candidates being from the UK (and knowing hardly anything about US politics), but I think if Condoleeza Rice was a candidate then the Republican Party would become a joke. Rudy is most likely to be the candidate, and tbh I think he would be the next president.

For the democrats I would support Al Gore or B. Clinton, but I doubt they have expressed that they would be interested in standing.

But Hilary > Condo
The whole "wilderness man" look Al Gore went through after he lost, poking fun at himself, and generally acting less like a cardboard cut-out makes him look like more of an attractive choice. In the 2000 election, his image was only slightly better (according to the voters) than the retarded monkey with family connections against whom he was running. Personally, I would vote for him if he made it that far... but I'm not sure if he's the best choice.