
Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
O.k..... big problem. Big big problem...more important than staying alive....
here it is... i have £50 in the bank, and £20 not in the bank. by the time "it" starts i will have £20 + £50 in the bank. I dont want to spend the bank money.... its there for an emergency.... but then again... this is an emergency!!!!
O.K, heres the battle plan. "it" starts on march the 5th. The worly will be put to the test, and the following days will beat and wear me down, until theres nothing left.
what is "it"??? it is.... MARCH : the games tidal wave.

battle strategy:
Beginning of march: £££ supply.. gain £10
Friday the 5th: Deus ex IW unleashed. min price: £24.99
£££ supply.. gain £10
Friday the 14th: Final fantasy: CC unleashed, min price: £29.99
£££ supply.. gain £10
friday the 19th: UT2004 unleashed, min price: £25.99
£££ supply.. gain £10
!!!spys detect The sims 2 may be released about here, either that or september. big difference!!!!
Friday the 26th: Far cry unleashed. min price: £24.99
£££ supply.. gain £10
!!!intelligence has discovered that my PS2 is working again. what now??? loads more games to buy!!!! AAARRGGGHH!!!!overload!!!!

mission breifing:
£20+BANK beginning of march. £70 + BANK end of march.
min funds: £70
min expences: about £100
max funds: £120+
max expences: from £140-180

Hmmmm...... What can i drop? what is expendable? what can i doooooooooo?
Deus Ex, Final Fantasy, and the PS2 stuff = all expendable.

UT2004 & Far Cry are the important ones. :)
yep...you'll end up returning DX2 so that's 25 odd you'll recoup.
hhhmm... or i could invest the money in a sensible bank account gaining large amounts of intrest and spend my spare time exercising and doing creative sports outside and revising for school, doing homework and contributing to educational magazines and helping everyone out... naaa, i want a good DM on UT2004.
friday the 19th: UT2004 unleashed, min price: £25.99
£££ supply.. gain £10
!!!spys detect The sims 2 may be released about here, either that or september. big difference!!!!
Friday the 26th: Far cry unleashed. min price: £24.99
£££ supply.. gain £10

Only 3 that are worth it in the list.
How the **** are play.com gonna get any profit from selling a top game half price?
and ye, i can borrow ps2 games off my freinds. ittl probally break again, anyway. its either dodgy workmanship or "build up of dust". i really hate sony right now. (even more when my ps2 actually broke...)