

Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
So about 20 minutes ago I was on the highway headed back to my dorm. I was in the center lane (of 3 lanes) going about 80 in a 70. Well behind me I see police lights so I think I'm about to get bent over for some bullsh*t speeding ticket. I turn on my blinker and check to see if I'm clear to change lanes, when suddenly WHOOSH, my car shakes and I hear something fly past me. I turn my head back to my left to see an evo 8 with its lights off pass me like I’m going 20; followed by the police officer I saw.

I was only on the highway for maybe another 5 minutes after that, but I didn't see any other cops so he must have turned off somewhere; I doubt they would have caught him anyway since he was probably going 140.
Lol AMS evo's strike again. I want to see Chris with the 900awhp evo run from the cops on video, they'd never catch him haha.
Heh. Whenever I see cops near I automatically slow down. It's a reflex from some sort of paranoia.
I've ran from the cops once, wasn't really a cop per-say, airport police, lots of windy roads around there. Was in my brother's civic if I wasn't in that I'd would've pulled over, but that thing loves turns. Lowered EM1>cop car.
I've ran from the cops once, wasn't really a cop per-say, airport police, lots of windy roads around there. Was in my brother's civic if I wasn't in that I'd would've pulled over, but that thing loves turns. Lowered EM1>cop car.

What were you doing that made them want to pull you over?
I was watching people street race. Around here you can get tickets for watching(pretty gay isn't it?). So I decided to flee when I saw a few of them coming, and I was the lucky one that got the little airport police guy to follow me...
I was watching people street race. Around here you can get tickets for watching(pretty gay isn't it?). So I decided to flee when I saw a few of them coming, and I was the lucky one that got the little airport police guy to follow me...

You go to enough street races and you realize how bad of an idea it really is. Tickets, wrecks, fights, hit & runs, and general idiots. I haven't been in many years, probably why I have a clean record.
Same here, I quit going after that basically. I'll go watch races at the track and whatnot though.
I wonder
police departments hav high speed pursuit vehicles like in the old nfs games?

I know in germany exist some police porsches
RJMC video games AREN'T real. Reason why germany police force would have porsches is due to the auto bahn(spelling?). I know locally if the race gets over 120mph they cut it off. But in High Point they have just gotten some nice new Hayabusas over the summer so they can keep up with those high speed cars.