Opening ports wut


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
IT-wizards of, lend me your ear. My router has a port closed that has to be open for certain games and programs to work right. WoW downloader, Relic downloader and to a lesser extent Steam seem to be having problems with it. I managed to get into the router by going to my own IP in Firefox, I actually found the menu I am looking for (screenshot) but I am lost at what to do now. The dropdown menu for presets just shows a couple of programs and games that are almost 10 years old. I don't have a clue what the start/end values are I apparently have to fill in. HALP PLEASE!

EDIT Oh my, I think I did it myself. With a little help though. This site is great.
did you try the kama sutra on your PC?

I spent most of the time figuring it out in the last position.
If you have any further questions, just ask.
It seems I did it right. I forwarded the ports of all the games I have with the help of that site. Suddenly I get over 1mb/s with the Blizzard downloader, while before it was just a measly 100 kb/s. *cheer*