Operation Black Mesa Modding Team wants YOU!


May 16, 2010
Reaction score
Operation Black Mesa (www.obmsource.com) is searching for additional developers at the moment.

We're a highly motivated, international team with the goal to interpret and recreate the award winning Half-Life Add-On, Opposing Force in the Source Engine (Orange Box). We have a friendly, nice and hilarious atmosphere in the team as well as the superior community will make you want to work even harder, but don’t forget your daily life tasks ;) The team language is English.

We're seeking for reinforcements in nearly all departments such as weapon/character/prop modeling/skinning, coding, character animating and mapping. We also could use some compiling/implementing-experienced people.

For the job requirements, please have a view at this page:


If you feel eager to join us, don't hesitate to register at our boards and throw in an application in our "Applications" topic!

This has been quite some text - now something for your hungry eyes: an excerpt of our last media release! Be sure to check our homepage for the full media release.





Vehicle Demo Reel:


We're looking forward to be working with you!

Best regards,

Operation Black Mesa DEV Team
Don't be a dick, 63.

Ambitious project, looks pretty solid so far.
Ambitious is one thing, impossible is another.

hey 63 :)
if you got any questions or comments feel free to register at our boards, we'll answer your questions as good as we can.
I wish the O:BM guys would team up with the BMS team, get that mod polished and released, then move collectively to work on OBM.
I think O:BM are doing fine by themselves. They've made some great stuff, sure BM looks great, but its also been in production for 6 years or however long! O:BM have some great stuff and they've done it quite quickly.
Thing is, its pretty easy to make a room and take some nice screen shots so its pretty hard to tell how much work mod teams have really done.

What has been posted so far is looking decent enough though. Good luck! Your going to need it.
Quite good, impresses me as a whole. You know what, you and the BMSource Dev team should team up - both to work out BM:S further and get on to O:BM later. It looks as you've got some talented people within your ranks.
a team up is not in the interest of any of both mod teams. =\ its just like that :p