Operation: CO-IN Hiring...


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
The Operation: CO-IN Mod is now hiring experienced and talented artists in the following positions:

- Weapon Model Skinner
- Player Model Skinner
- Player Model Animator

Some models that require skinning:



If you are interested, you can contact us (Argyll in particular) on our Forums, Gamesnet IRC Channel: #opcoin or by E-mail: [email protected]

Previous work must be shown!
ye, i was going to join this mod and anyone with skill and dedicated i would sujest joining. They are a good strong team its just I did not want to be part of a realistic game mod. They know what they are doing since like most of the people are in the army and its definatly going to be a mod i will play to see how realistic it is. Should be good. Good luck argyll m8.
This mod is also in need of modellers/animators with Softimage experience, and programmers. This mod has won the "Most promising multiplayer mod" from City-17 and is looking very promising. You won't be wasting your time :)

[email protected] if you're interested.
So far there are only 3 MODs that I think have any hope, and this is one of them!!!

If you need anything, models, weapons, textures, skins, coding, give me a holler([email protected]). I'm really busy on my own projects, so YOU will have to contact me. Since this will be a free downloadable MOD, I don't need/want any money, just proper credit.

If you need examples of what I can do, just head over to my MOD project site: www.GryphonAuto.com/Phantom-Ops/ I highly recommend some plant models/textures.
What kinda offer is this? Some kind of contributor status?

Or more like a full member status when your time "opens up" some?

Get back

Contributor, not an integral team member. I'm sure I can easy up your load or increase the quality in one way or another.
I think we may take you up on your offer ;) Expect me to be in contact with you soon :)

Thanks mate!
Sorry, but I don't like those marines. They look... stubby.

This is one of the most promising mods out there, though.
Originally posted by alco
Sorry, but I don't like those marines. They look... stubby.

This is one of the most promising mods out there, though.

We have lots of time to improve them :cheers:
I don't think anyone understands what the newest standard issue marine uniform and equipment looks like. Overall, they do look pretty stubby because they wear a thick layer of kevlar over their uniform.
Originally posted by Jeremy
I don't think anyone understands what the newest standard issue marine uniform and equipment looks like. Overall, they do look pretty stubby because they wear a thick layer of kevlar over their uniform.

I will agree with him on this one and when I saw them I was expecting a bit more, The OP:COIN weapon models are nice. But the player model was disapointing. But as Argyll said, LOAD! of time to improve models etc... I can't see them keeping it as it is.
I still don't see how the model's dissapointing.

You really can't tell much until it's skinned.

Plus, the above render is before the crits I recieved in the models section of these forums, in which I made the model better.
Originally posted by Jeremy
I still don't see how the model's dissapointing.

You really can't tell much until it's skinned.

Plus, the above render is before the crits I recieved in the models section of these forums, in which I made the model better.

the actual bags and sid bags etc... look really nice. Its just the actual preportions. Kinda looks like a cartoon kid in militry uniform.
Originally posted by Pendragon
Without the equipment, it does look more human, but his head seems a fair bit too big for his body.

Hrmm, I don't think so, but I'll look into it.
Haha, yes those marines need some medical attention quickly! 'MEDIC! MEDIC!' And as the gentlemen said, there is definitely time to improve their look.
Proportionally, it isn't correct. The arms are too short for the body, and the body is only 6 and a half heads long instead of 8. I don't think people like that should be allowed in the army.

Well, plenty of time to improve, mate. :)
Originally posted by alco
Proportionally, it isn't correct. The arms are too short for the body, and the body is only 6 and a half heads long instead of 8. I don't think people like that should be allowed in the army.

Oh well, I'll work on the proportions issues before they get skinned.
Bump. We can still use help. Only experienced people though please :)
More specifically:

- Mappers - Talented and Experienced (2+ years ideal) with Hammer (other engines appropriate); must be able to create realistic settings
- Texture Artists - For level design; able to create their own realistic textures that are required by the Mapper.
- Coders - 2+ years experience with C++ (other mod or game work ideal)
- SQL Developer - Able to create database driven websites (mainly code aspect) and also needed for consultation

If you are interested and meet the requirements, please send your resume to [email protected]
Forgot to add...

Sound Artist - Experienced/Talented; able to record their own sounds (personal studio helps); fine tune, add effects (i.e. make voices sound transmitted on military radio, etc.)
bump. We need coders and more talented artists and a PR guy, to add to the already strong Op:Co-In dev team.