Operation: CO-IN Update...


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
The realistic modern infantry combat mod, Operation: CO-IN, has some news to share!

First off, we would like to welcome Polygon and DarkNemisis to the team as skinners!

There are also updates to the weapon models:




The M16s have been redone by Spydr and the Colt 1911 is brand spankin' new from Jeremy and in the process of being skinned by DarkNemisis (expect a render of that soon!).

You may have seen already, but for those of you who haven't... a player model is being modeled. Here is a progress render:


In other mod news, the Forums have finally received the facelift that they were waiting for.

The radio interview with Half-Life Radio is now available for download. It is great to listen to while working on graphics, or mapping, or models, or just surfing the net! Find out some useful information in the interview... especially how Op: CO-IN is not a Counter-Strike clone ;)

You can download the interview here.
looking good, looking good. :)

I like the m-16 with the m203 attached.... :D
Very nice models. Just one problem, shouldn't the barrel have holes and a rougher look? Looks to flat and circular to me.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
Very nice models. Just one problem, shouldn't the barrel have holes and a rougher look? Looks to flat and circular to me.

Umm... it's not skinned... Details such as those don't necessarily need to be modeled.
Keep in mind the player models are under heavy work so that isn't final.

I personally modelled the Colt and the Marines there, and I'm currently working on other stuff which you'll see soon. :cheese:
Liked the interview. It gave a very clear explanation of the mod.
Some of the info from the interview's wrong though, btw. For example, some things have changed since the interview including the fighting forces, which now feature the United States and the British forces as the coalition side of the conflict.
British, American, Uzbakestanian, who the hell cares... :dozey:
Originally posted by alco
British, American, Uzbakestanian, who the hell cares... :dozey:

Well, it will matter considering they have various different and cool armories. You'll see a bunch of interesting guns you don't usually see in games :)
Bring in some custom made shit then I will be impressed. :p
The Enfield SA-80A2, LSW, GPMG




They are theoretically in some games, as most guns are, but they're not as common as say an ak47 :)
M16A2 = 3 round burst; repetition - No Scope

SA80 = repetition, automatic (not sure if 3 round burst) - Scope, more accurate as well

So there is a difference...

That is why we are having 2 Nations make up the Army because the Americans will most likely be the majority of the fan base and would want to have their weapons with the right specifications that are unique to others. So, in order to also create variety and to cater to the or nations, we are having a second team that will be just like our original plans that will be modeled around various nations in order to create the customization of models the way that we had originally planned. The default for this nation will be the British since they are very active in recent Operations and there is a large demographic of British Gamers.
We won't be having those weapons on the same team on the same map :P It will be somewhat like Day of Defeat where specific maps belong to certain teams. So, there won't be the option to choose between similar weapons. I personally think that having weapons that are generally the same as an option is useless... We won't have that I assure you :)