Operation Flashpoint 2 Hands-On [Gamespot]


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
For those who enjoyed this brand of shooting gameplay, Operation Flashpoint 2 seems like it won't disappoint.

Flashpoint 2 will take place during a fictional near-future conflict in the year 2010. You'll be able to play in three different areas, including Southeast Asia, Central Europe and Africa, and you'll play as three different soldier types during each section of the game, including a Marine Corps solider, a US Army officer and a Special Ops operative. As you play the game, you'll be able to upgrade your squads and soldiers through what Bohemia refers to as something of an RPG-like leveling system. In another nod to RPGs, you'll also be able to chat it up in real time with NPC allies, and learn valuable reconnaissance intel from them.

The developers showed us one example, where when driving a tank, a nearby building was targeted and fired upon. The first hit did a little damage, but nothing too devastating. The next hit took a big chunk out of it, and the next one practically eradicated it. The developers state that no two explosions will look quite the same, as the debris will always fall dynamically.
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w0000000000000000t i cant wait !
OFP 1 was one of the best games ever !
Great find. There are tons of screens on Gamespot too. I might have to revise my opinion on this game a bit.