Operation Flashpoint 2 website up!

Erm, this website has been up for a fair while hasnt it. I remember looking at it along time ago!
I mean months. Allthough It has changed since then.....

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I can NOT wait for this game...

The first one was awesome and I really wana see what they have done with the gfx.... as well as everything else...

I hope multiplayer is more robust...
the only thing that sucked about the multiplayer was that you couldn't join in on the go..
otherthan that : most underrated game of the century.. right behind trespasser..

The 1st one was totally underrated, introduced millions of little things like giant maps and x-treme realism shot damage...
I loved it, even bought it legally just to pay the team (its a rare gesture of mine once in a while - done it with Giants, Splinter Cell and this one)