Operation: Shadow Phoenix Update

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Beakshy, of the team over at Operation: Shadow Phoenix, has sent word of a large update featuring an assortment of new media from the invasion-themed mod. Most significant among the update are the first screenshots of the map “sp_dyrmeadow”, showcasing the team’s work on a fortress-like stronghold.

“Here is the first public view of my upcoming OSP map. For the first
Stronghold you will see in these upcoming shots I had some help from OSP member VaDa (Special thanks to him) as we teamed up to create the
Stronghold building you will see in these shots. At the moment we are working on the second stronghold design as the map will have a total
of four strongholds.”

[br]The team is also currently seeking new staff to assist with continued development. Those with modeling, writing, coding, or other such development related talents are encouraged to apply here.
Not too shabby. Looks like the pictures were taken on a less then high-end system.

Yah, I was going to take the pictures but I was busy most of the day, The next media update should be most of our models ingame.
how come you never are able to get more than 2-3 screens on this site? looking cool btw, :) keep up the good work, a lot of mods doing a lot of work lately, and fast
oldfaq said:
how come you never are able to get more than 2-3 screens on this site?

It's a limitation of the news script unfortunately, though I think 3 is enough. If there's more, you can just visit the mod website. :)
KagePrototype said:
It's a limitation of the news script unfortunately, though I think 3 is enough. If there's more, you can just visit the mod website. :)
You're telling me you can't actually edit the script?? :dozey:
i don't know, compared to HL² mapping standards those mapshots look kinda barren, especially the first shot feels empty.. Imo the walls&floors seem pretty generic and lifeless, somethings missing to break things ub a little.
Second shot looks ok, nothing special, but ok and seems as if its been taken ta a low quality setting.
Weedums said:
You're telling me you can't actually edit the script?? :dozey:

Hey, I'm not the one that wrote it. :p I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to let us add more than 3 screens, there's just no need for it.
Either you're only not halfway done with the maps or you need more talented mappers.
Blitzy said:
Either you're only not halfway done with the maps or you need more talented mappers.
If youd read anything else in addition to looking at the pictures youd probably have answered your own statement.
gh0st said:
If youd read anything else in addition to looking at the pictures youd probably have answered your own statement.

what he said...

the game can still be very early on, and its not like every square inch of map has to be flourishing with detail.
There are a Total of 11 screenshots there ... Just go check it out ;)
I've said this before beak, and I'll say it again. Maps and more content is not what you guys should be concentrating on right now. As far as I can tell, there isn't a base to this mod idea. I think I speak for everyone when I ask:

What about the gameplay specifics? Is it realistic, run-and-gun, squad-based, etc? I know what I'm seeing here but what will I be playing?

Whats so special about this mod amidst all the others out there?

What if I don't like the stronghold gametype? Will there be any other unique gametypes?

I really hope this mod turns out well, even as a competing mod team leader, but I'm really seeing this project losing direction. My advice, focus on game design. Content comes after gameplay, otherwise you're making a mod with no foundation and you will likely end up not using a lot of the content because it won't fit the gameplay. Just my personal advice, best of luck to you.

Well if you want you can go to our site, http://www.shadow-phoenix.com/ and check out the gameplay information to find out about the different modes of gameplay. As I code more and more, we will release information about more specific aspects of the gameplay. Right now we have not even released an internal Alpha yet. Just hold your horses until we can snap down and get a little more done. The design phase is done, as far as gameplay, now we just need to release that information to the public. Me, Beakshy, and the others at OSP are not sure when we need to do this but I can assure you we will consider releasing more information.
GonzoBabbleshit said:
still bland and boring
Well maybe if you read the first post where it said "This is the First Public Release of the map" you might get some clues to tell you that this map isn't near complete.
well, maybe I did...and made a comment on that?

People get far too pissy too easy on this forum. I made a remark, based on what I saw, if you read any of my other posts you'd find me defending a lot of what I've seen to the miserable gits who just say "it looks shit"

And why would you release content from a map that's this early in development?! I don't understand it, it looks crap
Us mappers are getting use to the new hammer and its abilities.
Also... have you ever heard of BETAS! Nothing has to be perfect in a beta and we're not going to release a perfect mod from the start, these things take time people.