Operation: Shadow Phoenix Update


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
Beakshy from the Operation: Shadow Phoenix modification has just released a media update with some pictures of their Early Meadow map and a weapon model. He also reports that later on, they'll release animation videos for the public to enjoy. [br]</br>Until then, take a closer look at these promising screenshots:[br]


[br]</br>Don't forget to check out OSP's official website by simply clicking here, where you can acquire more information and media.
The gun looks cool, needs a good skin of course :)

the maps look a bit drab, but then again, they probably arn't finished yet
you guys need to pick up hammer and see how much you judge other peoples mods, you may be quite surprised.
Not bad. It could use a little more detail. Yes i know its not finished!
new media release with old media and a weapon... *sigh*
map looks very blocky..
hopefully they spend a bit more time on the maps before the next update
Same here. It's not so much that they are blocky (I know they are, but) if they put some cover in or something to make it less open it would divert your attention from the simple architecture.
ComradeBadger said:
I'm a mapper :)

oohk well then people can respect your opinion, the people who i cant stand are the ones that don't do any editing whatsoever and complain and moan about maps/skins/mods, ya know what i mean :)
COALslaw said:
you guys need to pick up hammer and see how much you judge other peoples mods, you may be quite surprised.
Hey, I'm not saying I could do a better job--in fact, that prospect is unlikely--but I can still say with confidence that those are lousy screenshots.
ComradeBadger said:
Nice 10 min job in Hammer :p

^ that isnt nice to say to a mapper that isnt as "1337" as you...

and for the rest of you guys, try giving advice... and not making them not ever showing a nother media release again..
They've put out better work than this, and I'm sure they will put out more.

I'm merely commenting on the fact that this looks like a 'oh shit, better whip up some map screenshots to cover up the fact we're showing more unskinned renders'

On their site they have some proper nice skinned weapons - but this is weak - I'm not implying anything about mapper skill - I just think it looks like it was a 10 minute job.
ok "comrade"... :cheers:

I no what you mean, just wanted to say that "a 10 minute job in hammer" is a bit unfriendly for the mapper that made that map...