Opposing Source Is Recruiting

Dec 12, 2004
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Opposing Source is a Half-Life 2 total conversion progressing towards the recreation of Half-Life: Opposing Force on the Source Engine. The development team wants to recreate the second installment of the award-winning series known as Half-Life, where the player takes on the role as Cpl. Adrian Shepherd as he is stranded in the Black Mesa Research Facility during 'The Lambda Incident'. The rationale behind Opposing Source is to rebuild the levels, redevelop the textures and introduce new elements which will revolutionize the way Opposing Force was played.

Opposing Source is in need of:
Experienced level designers
Character modellers.
Texture artists/skinners

Applicants must work well in a team, and preferably have access to IRC or something similar.
Applicants should E-mail either [email protected] or [email protected] with at least three samples of previous work.

You can head over to our website over at www.opposingsource.com, or check out the forums at http://forum.leak-free.org/viewforum.php?f=40
oh god not another opposing shepard mod. i think we should close up shop. not that theirs even much of a shop.
oh god not another opposing shepard mod. i think we should close up shop. not that theirs even much of a shop.
you are obviously talking out of your ass
this mod has been around a while and is the only real team remaking the orignal opfor
if you had checked their site you would have seen some of their excellent work so far
what with your attitude? i did look at their website. i made a remark after seeing that there is yet another mod about opposing force and was talking about the mod team im in. which is why i said not that there is much of a shop as hardly any work has een done on it. so no im obviously not talking out of my arse and i would like to make rude comments at you but i have already got a warning so i will just say good day.
We've been working on this since April, long before any of the other OpForce mods as far as I'm aware

Actually, as far as I know we're the only mod recreating Opposing Force...there's a mod dedicated to Opposing Force 2 (which I think has shut down), and Opposing Shepard which to me looked like it was about to fail miserably but I haven't heard anything from it since the initial 'launch'
Yeah i am looking forward to Opposing Shepard, and i hope you guys can pull it off.
This mod is a REMAKE of Opposing Force, not a sequel and I'm looking forward to it. Good luck dudes.
Thanks for the positive comments!

We've taken on 2 new mappers so far, we're still looking for more people though ;)
I might be interested if I wasn't already busy with other projects.

Just curious - have you gotten any of the single player AI implemented yet? Particularly the Marine AI?
No, not yet...our coder's started working more on the weaponery side of things at the moment

You know where we are if you become available ;) Heh
Are you going to be working with the Black Mesa:Source team? Imo, BM:S, this and BS:S (If a team decide to make it) would really benefit from having the same textures/models where applicable. Would add a great deal of consistency.
SimonomiS said:
Are you going to be working with the Black Mesa:Source team? Imo, BM:S, this and BS:S (If a team decide to make it) would really benefit from having the same textures/models where applicable. Would add a great deal of consistency.

This has been asking a lot. We're not collaborating with BMS. If the BMS team feel us working together will be useful for both teams they might change their mind but as things stand we're looking to get this done by ourselves.
GonzoBabbleshit said:
We've been working on this since April, long before any of the other OpForce mods as far as I'm aware

Actually, as far as I know we're the only mod recreating Opposing Force...there's a mod dedicated to Opposing Force 2 (which I think has shut down), and Opposing Shepard which to me looked like it was about to fail miserably but I haven't heard anything from it since the initial 'launch'

Opposing Shephard is still alive m8, btw how is leak-free? i been working my ass off to get the story going. and for the last bloody time we our not a remake and it's "shephard" not shepard
hot564231 said:
Opposing Shephard is still alive m8, btw how is leak-free? i been working my ass off to get the story going. and for the last bloody time we our not a remake and it's "shephard" not shepard
It being "alive" doesn't mean it won't fail miserably.
Ennui said:
It being "alive" doesn't mean it won't fail miserably.

No offense to you dude, but is this negative comment necessary? Anyway, I really liked Opposing Force, maybe even a better than HL1. I wish you guys luck and can't wait to see the finished product.
hot564231 said:
it's so easy to say that but i like to see you do better

Ennui's working with me on Zombie Master (alongside some other modding legends), we've only been up for a month, and we already have most of the game working.

Sorry kid, but your mod kinda sits in coders' perspective of "Unlikely to get made". The only way you're going to get extra people to hop aboard and help you finish the mod is if you take up C++ and show people you mean business.

-Angry Lawyer
well, ZM does own your mother****ing cat.
ROFL. I meant Opposing Source, but shepard got in there. Well, hopefully you can both do it.

BTW Angry Lawyer, the key there is modding legends. Face it, most of us arnt that great, otherwise we would be working in gaming studios. Please, do be so arrogant. It is not as easy as you can make it sound, just go out there and learn. It take alot of time, and with school, etc, you may not have the time.
Black Mesa: Source believes that the level of quality of work that was shown by Opposing Source in their first media release did not meet the level of quality we strive for (and generally achieve) with Black Mesa: Source. This is why the decision is (presently) not to share our resources with them. In the event that the level of quality increases after their next media release, assuming they have a second one in the near future, then BMS will re-evaluate its position. Another big thing was that most of what they had made we had already made.
"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and power down your weapons. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated."

I got a vibe from your post Kala, I don't know why :p
goalied00d said:
I thought this thing just got cancelled

No, Opposing Shephard (the bad one) was canned.
Kebean PFC said:
It is not as easy as you can make it sound, just go out there and learn. It take alot of time, and with school, etc, you may not have the time.

It does take time, agreed, but it's not as hard as people make it out. Coding is REALLY SIMPLE as soon as you know the syntax, what objects are, and what pointers are. Its just because its not as glamorous as mapping and modelling that people don't persue it. When you code something, what you've done doesn't instantly show up as a disgusting horror, or an arcane cathederal.

I think the reason people ARE struggling so hard with modding is that they're setting too distant goals for themselves. By all means, aim to create an AWESOME post-apocalyptic zombie mod with counter-terrorism and World War 2 thrown in, but break it down into achievable goals.
My first experience with coding was turning HL1 into an RTS. So, the big goal was RTS gameplay. Therefore, I had to break it down. First minor goal - make it so NPCs recognise different teams. So I did that. Then I set a goal to be able to select NPCs. So I read how tracelines worked, and had it so that NPCs stored a pointer (literally what it sounds like, an arrow to point to another thing in the world) to players that hit them with a traceline. Selection done. And so on.

People set too high goals for themselves. Focus on making a fun game rather than something that's going to be super-popular. Zombie Master started as just an idea, and after I'd finished the groundwork, it was bloody fun to play, but looked like crap.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
When you code something, what you've done doesn't instantly show up as a disgusting horror, or an arcane cathederal.
Lies! Many times I've coded something that compiles, only to start up the program/mod and go "Oh great bejesus... How the hell did I mess this up so much".

We won't talk about the supposedly deaf, but actually deaf, dumb, and blind combine soldiers incident. Though disgusting horror sums it up nicely...