Oprah shocked over 9000 Penises

I'm not gonna lie.

I'd do Oprah.

But I expect a ****ing car.
I laughed so hard I had to cover my mouth with a pillow.
I don't know why everyone is simply laughing at this... This is a major figure in the media telling a bunch of clueless people that the internet is even more horrible than what they already thought. This is just bad for us for this bullshit to be spread around.

Makes me more angry than laughing... How can she seriously take a message like that seriously. "9000 penises all raping children" Yes, that sounds legit. And she just interprets it as one big chance to instill more fear into everyone who believes this bullshit, which is a lot of people. What, suddenly there is going to be a huge influx of child abuse now that this internet child rapist group is about? Yeah, wait and see if that happens, stupid ****s.
Hey, hey, we all know it was a dumb idea, and 4 chan are a bunch of dumb ****s for doing this, (just like the kid and the Palin email account) and now the clueless people will be all "This is horrible!", but you still cannot deny that it was hilariously composed.
Guys, we're 9000 PENISES OVER

I guess we gotta hand 'em out to the audience.
Since it's so old, it's full of holes
/Mr. DNA
Hmm, a pedophile network with over 9000 penises. First thought - skynetbear.
My question is, will Oprah and her network find out it was a joke, and if they do, will they address it?
Dumb woman is dumb.
This is good, imo.
Rid the internet of 4chan f*ckheads. :|
This is good, imo.
Rid the internet of 4chan f*ckheads. :|

4chan is a blip on the radar. People are going to be **** heads on the internet, it doesn't matter what you do.
4chan basically woke up the f*ckhead in everyone, ruining my internet. :frown:
4chan raped my sister and murdered my brother.
McCain campaign killed her since she didn't do an interview with palin.

That's my conspiratorial guess. Otherwise it's very sad news.
At first I was like
but then I was like
: T

I wanted to read about it from a news site and... there wasn't any, but I decided to run with the hoax anyway.
I wonder what she'll give away in her will...

a car maybe?