Optical Mouse Cutting Out


Apr 23, 2004
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Alright, I've had this Microsoft "Wheel Optical Mouse" for more than 2 years now. The other day it started cutting out on me. As in it powers down (mostly atleased, I can still see a little bit of the light on the bottom). It will randomly cut out from anywhere from half of a second to as long as it takes me to unplug it and plug it back in.

I've tried removing all mouse related drivers and installing the newest ones; tried letting XP's defualt driver use it; tried it in different USB ports.

Yet the problem continues... so I assume the mouse is just dying and I should get a new one, but I want to make sure this isnt a problem someone else has had and fixed it.
It is definetly the mouse. I don't think drivers or USB ports can cause a mouse to lose power.
Same thing happened to me with the same kind of mouse. I had to get a new one.
Awesome. Thanks for the help guys.

Now this gives me an excuse to get a 4 button mouse.
4 button Mice will change the way you use your computer forever.

*que eerie music
Get an MX1000, or the new MX518. Or get a Razor Diamondback. All 3 GREAT choices. :)
I am getting the MX518 or the MX1000 since they are both the same exact price for great quality products. I just love their feel.
MX1000 all the way, you just can't go wrong with this baby.
my mouse is crap now, it doenst respond everytime i click. Its an ms explorer 4.0 ;(
wireless is like dickless ;D

EDIT: lets hope i wont get a warning for that :rolling:
I've got an MX 900 and I like it. Been using it since christmas of 2003 I think? Only downside is that the batteries only lasts for like two days or so.
Mx 510!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunetly none of my local stores (Computer Deli, Best Buy, Circurit City) had any nice ones that I liked, so I just got the same one. And I didnt want to wait 4 days to get one from online, since I needed one right away.
Order a new one from an online retailer. Then return the one you just purchased. Believe me, you will like those other mice A LOT better.