Optimization Not Optimizing - +Help

Dario D.

Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
I've been having trouble compiling my map... which is slightly large to dm_overwatch standards, and really nice... just not optimized quite to it's fullest extents yet.

...That means all I can do is Fast Compile, which takes about 30 minutes. Full compile goes 18+ hours, and only gets to 4 on PortalFlow.

I've read the Valve documents on "visibility and optimization" and done what appeared to be a good job hinting and zoning my level, but the Full compile still only gets to 4 on PortalFlow. After all that optimizing work it got to "4 and 2 dots" which is a breakthrough from the usual "4 and 1 dot".

I've read in other threads as well, people who have gone through these steps and gotten no improvement. Frankly I've never seen my map with a full compile, and I'd really like to...

I'd be intersted to know if anyone would like to take my map and optimize it for me, hopefully to chop off the excess compile time.

I've already been working with my map for over a week trying to bring compile time down. This sucks. It took a week to make it, and another week just to dick around and try to get a full compile done... I'd rather move on, but I really like this map.

Please email me if you'd like to take it for a spin in hammer.

I'm gonna post screenshots to get you motivated as soon as I get back; I have to go out right now.

[email protected]

...Requesting help in optimizing it. I haven't been able to reduce the compile times.