
Oct 20, 2004
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I got an Alienware Area-51m laptop. Specs:3.4Ghz, 1GB RAM, and RADEON 9700 128MB. And it f***ing runs at 10 to 20 fps :flame: (20 if im lucky). how can i optmize it so it runs at like 90 fps like my friend eventhough he has a RADEON 9800 256MB :D and its a desktop.

silverstealth89 said:
eventhough he has a RADEON 9800 256MB :D and its a desktop.

What is that supposed to mean?

If I were you I'd call Alienware and have a little chat..
Have you tried contacting alienware?

Im not sure how there PCs are driver wise, I suspect you can try using omega drivers and updating your Direct x (also run > dxdiag to get the latest sub patch).
have u installed all drivers?

motherboard,videocard,directx etc?

do u have AA+AF on? if so try turning them off
i have done everything i dled the graphics driver 8.05 optimized for Area-51m. also omega and i leterally reinstalled every driver everything. and btw i called them yesterday. im right now at school so ill check when i get home but anyways like what should my graphic option should be on. i.e. my clockspeed
Well, firstly you wasted a ton of money for nothing. Not trying to flame or anything but AlienWare is so overpriced it is not even funny. Laptops are just CRAP for gaming no matter what company makes them. Mobile CPUs and GPUs are considerably poorer performers than thier similarly named desktop counterparts. If you want to game stick with a desktop or you are going to have to accept that in new games you will need to dial back the graphics wuite a bit.
hey your an ff btw i move around a lot and cant buy my self an ALX that starts at $5000. ur just crazy and i know there are some ways to make so my laptop will be as good as any desktop.
silverstealth89 said:
I got an Alienware Area-51m laptop. Specs:3.4Ghz, 1GB RAM, and RADEON 9700 128MB. And it f***ing runs at 10 to 20 fps :flame: (20 if im lucky). how can i optmize it so it runs at like 90 fps like my friend eventhough he has a RADEON 9800 256MB :D and its a desktop.


I can get more than that on a Dell D600, that has only a 32MB Radeon 9000 mobility. What specs are you trying to run at? I have to keep it _really_ turned down on the laptop to get ~30 fps.
like i got a resolution of 1600x1150 which my max and like i have my preferences set on program preferences so im not sure why its so low

btw i think my in game resolution is 1280x1150 (i think thats right)
silverstealth89 said:
hey your an ff btw i move around a lot and cant buy my self an ALX that starts at $5000. ur just crazy and i know there are some ways to make so my laptop will be as good as any desktop.

Well, I wish you luck but I think I am pretty much in the right in telling you that you will NEVER equal a desktop performance with a laptop, too many comprimises are made for space and heat concerns in laptops to equal what a desktop can do (and can do for far, far less).
Oxygenetic said:
That's your first problem, lower it down...

ok but the thing is i don't think my resoluion of my computer should not impact the resolution of the game. They are both on different settings and btw if i lower it than 1600 on my computer everything is way to big and looks pixelated :p
silverstealth89 said:
hey your an ff btw i move around a lot and cant buy my self an ALX that starts at $5000. ur just crazy and i know there are some ways to make so my laptop will be as good as any desktop.

A laptop will always be the poorer brother of a desktop when it comes to gaming. I agree however that a laptop of a decent spec (I am presuming it is), which includes good quality components (mother board etc), should do better than you are getting.

What does it do for other games?