Oral Sex Implicated in Some Throat and Neck Cancers

Why is it lies? If there's an STD involved, who knows what other bad things it can cause.

I don't think it's simple scare tactics, oral sex = bad. Your hobby isn't in jeopardy.


Okay that was wrong, I'm sorry.
How many loads have you got to swallow before this becomes a risk, really?
It's easy for you all to say because your not gulfing down a 7 inch pulsating dick
Shh, it's not polite to talk while eating, Zombieturtle.

This kind of news is hard to swallow.

what the hell is wrong with you man???? burn all evidence of this article immediately

/me pours lighter fluid on pc

..must keep away from wife ....

Your acting as if you get anything at all, Stern. Come on, your married, the most you get is, "I've got a headache."
just tell her you could get gingivitis if it was reversed
uhh the cancer isn't caused by oral sex, its *potentially* caused by having unprotected oral sex with someone who has HPV. basically, if you screw around unprotected, you could get screwed. no news there!

EDIT: i'm saying you should throw a rubber/oral dam (blech) on for oral sex... but if you're sexually active, you should probably get tested frequently, and if you've gotten yourself infected with HPV, then you shouldn't be having oral sex. sucks for you!