Orange Box countdown please.

If it was easy to stick a little flash timer somewhere visible on the main page and the forums, I'd definitely support this measure.
We should have started it as soon as it was announced lol. 15 days away anyways...
Holy shit, 15 days already? Where has the time gone?!
Haha, I remember my friend saying "56 days to go!" ... and now we are here.
I can't wait to play Episode Two.
Huh... I remember when it was like 8 months away. It was actually very... fast.
This is great..i love it when games your dying to play are just around the corner....HOORAY. TF2 really passes the time :D
Yep I suppose we'll be getting preloads for Episode 2 and Portal this week or next... :)

I really hope so. On my shitty dorm internet, it's going to take a loooong time to download. :frown:
The problem with a countdown is that we don't know exactly when it is released, TF2 Beta wasn't released until 10pm PST.
If memory serves after preloading Episode One had a count down timer when you tried to launch it from Steam.
Christ I'm surprised its too weeks already. Time flies when your...having fun.
How will I fit this into my Halo 3 playtime?
I hope that Valve starts the pre-load today.

Preloading will start somewhere next week...

I emailed David Speyrer at Valve with the following question:
"I just have one question... when will pre-loading (downloading the GCF files, not buying) for Episode Two and Portal start?"

He answered:
David Speyrer: "Hi Sten, we'll start preloading Ep2 and Portal in about a week."