Ordering a new GFX card from USA

Sep 17, 2003
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Lo all, I might need a new GFX card soon and I was thinking with the dollar so low and the pound so high it might be worth me ordering it from america and saving some cash.
Are the cards from the US the same as the cards here in the UK?
And does any 1 know anything about getting it through customs without paying stupid ammounts of tax on it.

Thanks for any help :D
I think an x800 XT retails for like $500 and thats about £270, so on its own you save about £70, however you need to factor in shipping, customs etc and that can add alot to the price, so to be perfectly honest unless you have a friend going states side or sometihng you should buy it here in the UK, komplett have some good prices, £340 for a X800 XT is the best price i've seen so far for that card, plus they have given estimated dates for them which is good news.
Is there actually a difference between X800 XT and X800 XT Platinum Edition or is it just a pointless subtitle hoping to make idiots think its weeely special
GPRT said:
Is there actually a difference between X800 XT and X800 XT Platinum Edition or is it just a pointless subtitle hoping to make idiots think its weeely special

There is a thread on this. Search my boy, search. Do it now and your question will be answered.
GPRT said:
Is there actually a difference between X800 XT and X800 XT Platinum Edition or is it just a pointless subtitle hoping to make idiots think its weeely special

the PE has 25mhz higher core and 120mhz higher memory (although its just 60mhz doubled (DDR))

Pressure said:
There is a thread on this. Search my boy, search. Do it now and your question will be answered.

And instead of typing that you could have jsut answered...

Anyway back on topic... i looked into this last year and it would cost a fair bit in customs etc i think its like 20-25% of its total value if thats the value u buy it or the value of it in the UK im not sure... so unless someone is going over there... not really worth it...

You would be stupid to get one from USA :p

I got mine from UK 2 weeks ago without pre-order, you just have to keep checking places (i was scanning 5 - 10 websites several times a day)..i eventually got a sapphire X800pro (proly the most popular brand for ati's). Anyway, i will link you some websites, save them and check them all the time.

X800 pro in stock ( http://www.overclock.co.uk/customer/home.php?cat=378 )

X800 pro in stock ( http://www.overclock.co.uk/customer/home.php?cat=470 )

Due - 1 week ( http://www.overclock.co.uk/customer/home.php?cat=306 )

Gigabyte X800 pro in stock ( http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/X800_Series.html )

X800 pro in stock (
http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/ProductInfo.asp?WebProductID=119105 )

X800 pro in stock ( http://www.novatech.co.uk/novatech/specpage.html?NOV-X800PR )

Anyway, these were the websites i was checkin 24/7 :p
www.ebuyer.co.uk (<---where i got a sapphire one from :p they had 15 at one point)

There was more but i reformatted today and lost all cookies so i cant remember now.