Orderly or sporadic?


Nov 21, 2003
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I was just wondering how everyone here made their maps. I've done a few for HL1 but none good enough to be released. I want to really improve my mapping skills and I think the first step is seeing how others do it. Right now all I really do is get a vague idea of something and build in that while I'm in Hammer. Obviously that doesn't work to well (for me at least). How do you guys approach it?
Well it depends on what im making. If its just a prefab like a car or something then i will just go ahead and make it without designs (Perhaps some primary sources like pictures of whatever im making but thats all)
However, when i make a full scale level, I will try and get an idea of what i want. For instance, what is the aim of the level? Where is it set? Then i will draw a 2d overview map of the level marking where i want things to go like monsters etc. I will also normally qrite a small text file, describing what i want and what i need to do.
After that, i may or may not draw some 3d concept designs. Depends on whether i can be bothered. I think doing 3d pics actually helps keep you on track, because in a 2d overview, you cant see what a corridor will look like. Anyway, after that, i will doa few "tests" in Worldcraft,. If there is something in the map, like a complex sequence, i will make that and see if it will work. I will also do more conept designs, this time actually making them. After that, i will start on the map properly.

Some people can just make maps without designs. Im not one of them, i get half way through and lose my way. I end up working on a corridor for ages, and then forgetting where i wanted to go. So having it written down really helps.

If i were you, i would go over to http://collective.valve-erc.com and read every tutorial they have. :)
when I try to do things with the engine I go sporatic (ie: try to make an "outdoor" map that doesn't suck)

but when I'm trying hard to make a map with decent gameplay I make plans on paper first
I would suggest you make a few maps with very simple textures, I.E. all walls white etc.. and figure out how to make good game play. Don't worry about making it look good, just try to make it have good game play. Then start working on "real" maps.
When I say good gameplay I don't mean AWP_Map gameplay, I mean real gameplay with balance across the weapon spectrum.
I simply start with a room and a vague idea and go from there. If i run out of ideas that day i simply go play HLDM or DOD and go back to it when something hits me. For me i started about 20 before i finally made one that was good enough for release.
Personnally, I look on the internet to find some reference images of what I want. For example, if I want to make a shuttle launch map i'll search for pictures of what would be in such a place. It gives alot of ideas and also visual references to build the level (geometry and textures). You also have to keep in mind the amount of detail you need. If you know a specific area will be a choke point where alot of players will be fighting, you have to keep the poly count as low as you can (no 20 sided pipes or high poly dragon models) lol If you want more specific advices you can send me what you have done and we'll check that together...
Thanks for the off Ti. And that's a great idea about the reference images. It's simple but I've never thought of it.