Orthodox Jews photoshop Hilary Clinton out of Situation Room pic


May 5, 2004
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Ultra Orthodox Hasidic newspaper Der Tzitung [based in Brooklyn] is telling its readers like it isn't- by editing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from the now-iconic Bin Laden raid Situation Room photo. Oy vey.



The religious paper never publishes pictures of women, as they could be considered "sexually suggestive." Apparently the presence of a woman, any woman, being all womanly and sexy all over the United States' counterterrorism efforts was too much for the editors of Der Tzitung to handle.

? sexually suggestive? did they know the woman in question was Hilary Clinton?


anyways I'm sure some of you MISOGYNISTS will agree that a situation room is no place for a woman ..unless she's dressed like a slut :E

And they say radical muslims and radical jews could never find some common ground.

she's the best part of the photograph, too

so damn human - makes me want to poke that......... weird
Yeah but nobody gives a shit about that lady, thats why she was all the way in the back to begin with.
I think she's the chief security advisor for the white house.
There is also a second woman the edited out. Check the picture again.
There's also a second woman she edited out, who's Irish.
That situation room looks pathetic. They should take pointers from Hollywood and make it huge, with tons of computers and stuff in it.
That situation room looks pathetic. They should take pointers from Hollywood and make it huge, with tons of computers and stuff in it.

And make the computers beep arbitrarily every time something happens.

And then Bin Laden shoots some dude in the camera so the monitor explodes.
And a camera that zooms and swooshes around computer models of different bits of military hardware to highlight their attributes and armaments.

I've been playing a lot of CoD4 SP.
You think this is bad?

In Israel there are more and more bus-companies that have gender-segregated busses to accomodate the orthodox groups.

Heck, I've even seen some male orthodox jews that wear face-veils.


And before you ask, yes, that is the actual veils some of them use.
you gotta admire their consideration for other non orthodox men who have no problem looking at women (unlike those filthy muslims who cover up their women).
you gotta admire their consideration for other non orthodox men who have no problem looking at women (unlike those filthy muslims who cover up their women).

True, I never thought about it that way!
You think this is bad?

In Israel there are more and more bus-companies that have gender-segregated busses to accomodate the orthodox groups.

Heck, I've even seen some male orthodox jews that wear face-veils.


And before you ask, yes, that is the actual veils some of them use.

Mmmmm, those are some sexy necks.