OT: Import model's into movies?


Sep 22, 2003
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Hello everyone, i figured since this was the modeling area someone out their in internet land might know how to do what ive been trying to find out.

I want to record a video of me and then feed it over to my pc VIA a firewire cable. Then id like to import a 3d animation from 3dstudio max into the video.

How do i do this? I havent seen any information any where and im trying to film a short film and it would be totaly awsome to do our on special effects. Anyhelp will be awsome.
There are several ways of doing this. The easiest is probably to to render out the 3d animation with a bluescreen background. Just render it with the most SOLID blue you can find.

Just import the .avi(blahblahblah) into a program like adobe premiere. Then you can just do a bluescreen remove on the move clip. Then u just layer it into your video.

Now...if your looking for the really advanced stuff...go buy some books...cause it'll take toooooo long to say in a forum post
I wouldn't use premiere for it since it's not a post production program. Programs more suited for this is Adobe AfterEffects, Shake, Digital Fusion, etc.etc.. You can use premiere to put the clips together in the end.. It's not necessary to render with a blue color in max. Just remember to include the alpha channel. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT RENDER AN AVI sequence directly from max. Also, if you want shadows, create a plane and assign the "Matte Shadow Material" to it. this will render a shadow that merges with the background. Render the sequence in TGA/TIF (I preffer TGA) TGA is 32 bit and therefore it can include the alpha.
In your post-prod prog.:) import the sequence, most programs asks you what you want to do with the alpha channel. The alpha channel is a black/white version of yourRGB image. This will help you cut out your animation in post. White is visible, black is not.
As MiMMiC said, this is too comlpex to get written down here just like that, but I hope this points you the right direction.