ot:Where does everyone get those cool animated chick avatars?

Do psychotic robots count as hot chicks? *pokes avatar*

I mean, he's definitely hot what with all the venting plasma but even though he's officially sexless I always thought of him as a male... dude, robochick.

I am the king of the annoying avatar- moving women have nothing on Lennie the Droid. No Google search *hint hint* could ever summon anything as pointless- it takes skill.
Edcrab said:
Do psychotic robots count as hot chicks? *pokes avatar*

I mean, he's definitely hot what with all the venting plasma but even though he's officially sexless I always thought of him as a male... dude, robochick.

I am the king of the annoying avatar- moving women have nothing on Lennie the Droid. No Google search *hint hint* could ever summon anything as pointless- it takes skill.

Guess this is the right time to say it, I love your avatar. Robots rock and yours with all the plasma spraying and fireworks is absolutely awesome. Don't you ever change! :D

edit: I guess no one has noticed this but my avatar blinks occassionally, that makes it a technical masterpiece!
Man, I'd honestly never noticed that; I once thought I'd seen it blink but it never occured to me to check. Used to make Lennie do his different anim sets with a huge time gap between them, but no one ever had the patience enough to watch him for long enough :LOL: I think it's time for me to give him some new moves, especially for when HL2 arrives...

Hmm... how to keep this thread alive longer when we've already exhausted the main point? Turn it into a generic avatar-boasting thread? Again...?
Or avatars that change subtly, they are cool to.
I was gonna say that making animated gifs is fun... and point to mine which was my first attempt... then I saw a toy advert for a robot that sounds like Rainman and now I'm just too darked.