OTCS (Over the Counter-Strike) Red VS Blue Style Episodes

Yeah... i've seen the first 3 episodes... they're quite amusing! :p
ooh man!! what a slow server :(

5 kb/sec
These movies rule. I heard of them about a month before this and found the movies hillarious - The making of rules. MAKE MORE!

Why are you jumping up and down like that?
Syx said:
1) What is a caché? It's pronounced cash.


cache n.

a. A hiding place used especially for storing provisions.
b. A place for concealment and safekeeping, as of valuables.
c. A store of goods or valuables concealed in a hiding place: maintained a cache of food in case of emergencies.
2. Computer Science. A fast storage buffer in the central processing unit of a computer. Also called cache memory.

tr.v. cached, cach·ing, cach·es

To hide or store in a cache. See Synonyms at hide1.

Anyway, What's up with the piss-poor speeds? Wouldn't distributing the file for several seeds be more efficient?
Pretty entertaining, just saw the first episode and behind the scenes :)
Heh, the actual episodes weren't that funny for me except the very beginning where the guy jumps off the ledge and splats, but I found the making of to be quite humorous. Young kids though.
Raziaar said:
Heh, the actual episodes weren't that funny for me except the very beginning where the guy jumps off the ledge and splats, but I found the making of to be quite humorous. Young kids though.

My favourite bit was definately the first episode when they were introducing everyone. and the Ct behind the crates, when he go HS'd by the para - I laughed my ass off at that. and the bit with ghost.
All of their movies are great...love them...every time i see them I laught my ass off.