

Jun 28, 2004
Reaction score
well i broke my collar bone my very first game of the year tuesday in basketball game ending my season , and was just wondering what bones you guys have broken.....

p.s im bored
just my toes..how much does it hurt when you break your leg? I always wanted to know but i cant imagine.. :)
Thankfully, none. I'm invincible!

no actual broken bones, lots of bruises, twisted bits n bobs, cuts, tears, knocks. Buggered my back years back so couldn't play Rugby no more.

But no, no actual broken bones. I guess its only a matter of time though *expects to walk outside tomorrow and get hit by a bus* lol
None here as well, come close to breaking my wrist multiple times though, got thrown upside down through the air and landed on it once.
Aw dude! That's crap! I'm sorry. I know how it feels to be out at the beginning of the season. I've never had a broken bone, but this past March, some of the weight bearing cartilage (spelling?) in my knee tore off, and I had to get surgery. I didn't touch a soccer ball for 4 months, and didn't play a game for 5.
My wrist. Though i'm so sure i broke my ankle when you like walk down some stairs and your shoe twists sideways and you put your full body weight on your ankle sideways...Hospital said it was just sprained but man, it hurts for weeks!
Never broken a bone. Twisted my neck once..couldnt look left or right for about a week.
about 33 breaks. Mostly breakin the same bones over and over again.

(Bone disease)
h00dlum said:
just my toes..how much does it hurt when you break your leg? I always wanted to know but i cant imagine.. :)

Hmm.. it's painfull. When I broke my legs while I was snowboarding, I heard my bone cracked. But it's the night after you break your bone that it really does hurt.
AntiAnto said:
Hmm.. it's painfull. When I broke my legs while I was snowboarding, I heard my bone cracked. But it's the night after you break your bone that it really does hurt.
My sister broke her leg playing soccer...but she was so freakin' high off of the pain meds they gave her that night, she didn't really notice the pain.
Sparta said:
about 33 breaks. Mostly breakin the same bones over and over again.

(Bone disease)
Ouch, that sucks. Just out of curiosity, what disease is it?

Oh, and I think I may have broken, or at least fractured, my wrist. It happened three years ago. It was my third time snowboarding, ever, and I decided to get some cojonés and try some semi-agressive snowboarding. So I start down a hill called "Easy Street" (which ironically is not all too easy, what with its 90- and 45-degree turns and somewhat unexpected dips in the course), and I get past the first turn. I find I'm going pretty fast, so I spin myself onto my heel edge to slow down. As I'm sliding down the hill, I look back to see where my friends are, and the front of my board catches on the snow. At this point, I realize that maybe I didn't slow down as much as I thought I had, and I begin a somersault through the air. One and a half to be exact. I remember this because as I finished the first half of my second flip, I put my hands out to stop myself, and instead of landing palms-down, I land palms-up, and my hand bends at about 135 degrees, palm-side. Somehow, my hand snaps back hard enough to flip me again, and I land on my back, screaming in pain. Long story short, I didn't go to the doctor, and never got checked for fractures, but I'm sure I at least tore a few ligaments.

Good times, especially considering that a) this was my "preferred" hand, and b) I had a math test and a history test the very next day :cheers:
I broke my arm in second grade. A kid thought it would be funny to trip me.

It really wasnt that funny....:)
my right leg twisted around 360 degrees the first time I went skiing.
I once fell skateboarding and something happened to my jaw, It got dislocated or somesuch, I could still eat and talk it just hurt like a mother for few days. The doctors wanted to break the damn thing and reset or something crazy like that, I would only be able to eat through a straw for like 4-5 weeks. so I was like uhh I will be fine, and now my jaw pops when i eat and sometimes when i talk there is this loud pop and people are like "holy crap what was that??!!". Its a good story too, I tell it to all the ladies, but it hasnt gotten me anything yet.