Ouija Boards

Would you play with a Ouija board?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • No

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • I have before. ITZ FOR RE4LZZZ

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • I have before. Its a load of shit tbh.

    Votes: 8 17.8%

  • Total voters


Feb 18, 2007
Reaction score
I know alot of you think this kind of stuff is bullshit, and I for the most part agree with you, but I was wondering what your takes on ouija boards were. I dont really believe in the supernatural or religion but I refuse use a ouija board with friends for "fun" or anything. Maybe Ive seen the Exorcist and Poltergeist one to many times... But seriously, have any of you actually used a ouija board before? Had any weird results?

Some weird stories:
used it before, I always believe someone else is moving it around with their finger.

I don't fear demons and spirits. Thats so silly, I am sure if the "devil" wanted to **** with you he'd do it in a more karma-esque way
Damn you A.J. Rimmer, I just posted that video!
I'm sure ghosts have something better to do than haunt drunk teenagers through a cheap gameboard.

I can't believe people are actually such suckers to buy Ouija Boards. If you watch that video, when they ask the questions, watch the guys hand on your right and you'll see him forcefuly pull towards "Yea", and they totally missed it that one time. Those people are just trying to make money and publicity
Thats some funny stuff
Ive seen that vid before, back when I still had HBO :( Great video but I meant for the thread to be more about personal experience with the thing. My friend used one last week and SWEARS on the experience being genuine. I guess thats not too hard to believe with the subconcious and such working against you.

I think its creepy as shit that you can move it without thinking about it.
Another good way to test it would be to let testers contact the ghost of someone who has never existed (but they would be unaware of that and would be given a detailed bio). If they manage to contact anything, you know they're full of it.
good fuc king idea for a thread. I'm really not sure what to say on the authenticity of these things. seems like "bullshit" to me. i used one once when i was in 5th grade. my girlfriend (probably first ever, if i remember correctly) at the time had one, so me and my brother decided to use it with her. My dad has had muscular dystraphy for almost 10 years now, and it was fairly recent when we decided to fu ck with the ouija board. my girlfriend did'nt use it when my bro and i were, i honestly cant tell you why, for sure cant remember. we asked if my dad had the muscle disease, and the thing went towards no. we then asked what did he have, and it said B-O-N-E- D-I-S-E-A-S-E. big heap of bullshit, the doctors couldnt be wrong after telling him what he had for nearly a decade. I also hear if you throw them away, no matter where you ditch the thing, it always ends up back in dark spots in the owners house, like closets, under the bed, etc. i personally do not want to try this, bc i dont wanna waste 20 damn dollars just to throw something away and probably never see it again. my dad once told me that his family had one when he was a kid, and decided to burn it because the rumors of how its evil and draws malevolent spirits/demons. well, he has 3 brothers, and his mom and dad were present too. they threw it in the fireplace, and they saw a crazy looking face smiling at them form out of the smoke and clear as day. they all swear by it to this day, and my dad really doesnt lie, or fabricate anything of anykind for his own shits and giggles.
The other parts of that epispde.

Ouija boards are messing with powers that are totally out of our hands and are things that should never be ****ed with.
I also hear if you throw them away, no matter where you ditch the thing, it always ends up back in dark spots in the owners house, like closets, under the bed, etc. i personally do not want to try this, bc i dont wanna waste 20 damn dollars just to throw something away and probably never see it again. my dad once told me that his family had one when he was a kid, and decided to burn it because the rumors of how its evil and draws malevolent spirits/demons. well, he has 3 brothers, and his mom and dad were present too. they threw it in the fireplace, and they saw a crazy looking face smiling at them form out of the smoke and clear as day. they all swear by it to this day, and my dad really doesnt lie, or fabricate anything of anykind for his own shits and giggles.

Yeah, apparently you have to give it away for free? Or burn it in public? or break it into pieces and sprinkle holy water on it.... right...
we asked if my dad had the muscle disease, and the thing went towards no. we then asked what did he have, and it said B-O-N-E- D-I-S-E-A-S-E.

Thats weird. I mean if its supposed to be you controlling it subconciously wouldnt you choose the correct answer?
I think it's BS and I'd be more than happy to try. I'm not going to lay down 20 bucks for one though.
I put no, just the likelihood of my laziness being more dominant than my will to beat down someone's beliefs and shit all over them at the time.
My mum's apparently had some scary-ass experiences with it, and I wouldn't try one anyway.
Also I believe the Derren vid.
I don't like the Penn and Teller's Bullshit portrayal of the Ouija boards. They try to make all of the people that use the boards come off as wack jobs when the users really are just ordinary people like you and me. So, Penn and Teller just come off sounding like rich pompous douche bags. (end rant)

On the ogrish forums (now liveleak shudders) they had a great thread about Ouija boards... of course the Milton Bradley Ouija boards won't work as well as an Ouija board that has been made somewhat authentically perhaps the ones you can find exotically like in Haiti or some place. But from the consensus I got from ogrish is that Ouija boards are not meant to be messed with, and of course people can debate all day long about the authenticity of whether the boards function as channels/windows or whatever.

What interests me are how other people, besides Americans/Europeans, have Ouija boards... I wonder what is the Indian equivalent because they always have some good spiritual devices ;o.
alright, i am making a makeshift one with paper and a cd, and I am doing it alone (it said you can)

So here it goes-

wow, I was like "are there any spirits here today?" and it was like "yez, i is gunna kill u" and then the ground opened up and................................... no, nothing happened
I man, I cracked up on that one, zombie.
Heh, I think mostly they mean that people who are really into it like those Salem priestfockers are all crazyshitheads.
a friend of mine who is one of the most level headed people i know. Stoic to the core, recounted an encounter he had with an Ouija board many years ago.

This girl that he knew shows up at his apartment one day in a panic holding an Oujia board practically begging for him to take it off her hands. He's like "oookaaay..." and takes it. Thinking she must obviously be crazy and not really interested in keeping a dumb ass board, after she leaves, he walks over to his 4th floor balcony and nonchalantly tosses it over and away.

However after he turns his back to walk back inside his apartment he hears a noise behind him. The Board is right there on the balcony, though he saw it fall out of sight.

It is at this point that the old superstitious part of his brain kicks into hight gear and he decides to burn the whole thing and sprinkle the ashes with holy water.
Nintendo could get some real product ideas from wiija boards ...
Nintendo could get some real product ideas from wiija boards ...

They could make a Wii Ouija Board game..... i dunno if thats the same company as nintendo, but it would work!
Ouija boards are messing with powers that are totally out of our hands and are things that should never be ****ed with.

Ah yes, the powers of our subconscious minds.
Incoming Derren Brown related post.

Apparently, Ouija boards work off ideomotor movement. Apparently, if you think about a movement, you'll start tiny movements like that without noticing. If one person knows something about the person they're trying to contact, then they will unconsiously be trying to move the glass towards the letters that spell out the person's name or something. Once the glass starts moving and you have an idea of what it's going to spell, you become more and more drawn in and make more unconcious movements.
Derren apparently tested this when playing a game of Ouija with some friends, by making up a person and some details about her. The glass was quick to spell out the details he mentioned, and ss soon as he slightly suggested foul play, words like murder appeared very quickly.

Heh, last time a posted something like this the thread died instantly. Heh.

Oh, and if you don't know who Derren Brown is... look him up on Youtube or something; I can't be bothered to tell you now.
Bingo - ideomotor effect, just like automatic writing. It's fascinating, because much of the time, nobody really clocks that they're moving it, and it's just spelling out what's at the back of your mind.

So, yeah, avoid using it if you're keeping a secret from the other person you're using it with.

-Angry Lawyer

ok it's telling me something


hey that's me!!!


well you heard the ouija board ..send unmarked $100 bills to 123 Anyjuere street, ISteelsyourmoneies township, Canada co Capt Lincoln Sternn
I'd love to play around with an Ouija board, that kind of stuff fascinates me. Playing around with the deomotor effect seems extremely interesting if not somewhat dangerous - my parents are both in the mental health business so I hear about this kind of stuff quite often.. I'll have to get my hands on one.
Its interesting that most all of the comments are about Ouija boards being bullshit and yet the poll says over 64% would never try one. Idk, it reflects exactly how I feel. Meh.
i don't really feel a desire to play w/ an ouija board. it's bs and it's no fun without being superstitious.
alright so i admit to using and beleiving in all that stuff but thats me and i have some stories about that shit but they ended up being my fualt haha like leaving the grudge audio on and turning all the lights off and trying to sleep but forgot that was on scared me shitless
I've played with one with some friends at a party a few years back.

Can't really give an accurate view on what it was like since we were all shitfaced. :|