Out Of Range (melon Melon Melon)


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Posted here instead of in HL2 forums because of A. spoilers and B. I have a feeling it's not a problem with HL2 specifically.

Booted up Episode 1 and played quite far into the first level. At the part when you have to throw the glowy balls into their slots to activate the energy bridges, I suddenly get fro-fro-fro-fro-fro-fro-frozen and up comes 'OUT OF RANGE!' and some resolutions or something. I think "shit." Screen goes away. But then it's replaced by artefacts, green and yellow, and I think "**************** my graphics card" and reset the computer.

On reboot, everything is fine, but I am scared.

I shut down the computer and unplug it before opening it up and putting my finger lightly on the metal heatsink on the ATi Radeon 9600 SE. It's hot. I remember that I left the computer on all day so it would download Episode 1, and it IS summer.

And so I post here - because the problem isn't happening right now, but I haven't yet tried to play Episode 1 again. Does anyone know what might have caused this, how likely it is to happen again, and how I can stop it if necessary?

With the suspicion that it's overheating causing the problem I have resolved not to use my PC between 11am and 1pm. Any other help would be wonderful.

Thanks in advance.
If its not repeatable, its hard to say what the problem is. It could be a one off glitch, so I suggest you carry on as usual. If it dosen't happen again, then don't worry about it.
Well, two things to add:
1. It was a monitor error - like when I adjust brightness settings - and not a windows or dos error.
2. I completed EP1 today and had no problems whatsoever (after installing new drivers, just in case).

I expect it was just a one-off thing as the PC had been on all day and I WAS experiencing some rendering errors with the game.

Thanks for your help - will post if it happens again.
Yea crazy stuff like happens all of the time. Usually I dont get scared until the problem happens frequently.
ive only had that problem when i changed the resolution of the game to a resolution my monitor couldnt handle