out of stock

  • Thread starter Thread starter DanteTDH
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well....the comp people called me today and told me their stock of FX 5900's are out and won't be in for quite some time (they sounded unsure) and they called me to see if I wanted a 256 mb 5600 in there instead and I said "Oh dear god no!"

Well, the only alternative was to get an ATi Radeon 9800 or 9800 pro. So she told me to call back in about 15 minutes.....15 minutes passed and I called, she picked up and said that their dealers said that just the 9800 NON-pro would be an extra $200 more than the 5900 128mb.

I said a definite "No" to that as well because of such a HUGE markup price in the cards. If someone knows where I can find a place that sells the 9800's kinda cheap please tell me. I'm thinking of taking the computer as is and then installing the damn card myself. Thanks in advance.

And could someone tell me if there is a big diff. in the pro and non-pro...I'm not well aquainted with ATi as some of you know :flame:
well I got the ATi Radeon 9800 non-pro since it'd be at least 3 weeks till the next geforce card was in stock...oh well.
Originally posted by DanteTDH
well I got the ATi Radeon 9800 non-pro since it'd be at least 3 weeks till the next geforce card was in stock...oh well.

well good choice that u bought an ATI...

im not a fanboy of any company mind u, im all about performance.. right now ATI seems to make the better cards.. so u didn't make a bad choice.. good thing they were outta stock hehe
yeah but now I feel kinda bad/guilty for not getting the pro...but I'm tight on cash and since they were out of stock they said they'd take it out of their own pocket for whatever else the 9800 non-pro would be.

hehe and I went and got my speakers this evening for my comp. 5.1 5200 Creative sound system :)

p.s. any good setups for the speakers that anyone can give me?