Outside World


Nov 22, 2004
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The map I am making will have all the attention drawn to the bridge in the near center and the Terrorist complex on the T side of the map. However, I can't figure out what to make the boundaries. If I make them simple boxes so no one can go past them, it looks stupid. I found a tutorial for editing terrian, so I could make the cliffs jagged and the ground bumpy, so it would look better, but then my map would still have a boxy, pit-look to it. Any ideas on how to correct this?
If it's part of a complex, you could use fencing on either side, make the bridge some sort of security checkpoint. That way you have more options for what the player can see either side.
hmmm ... not to be critical or anything. your map looks like a block. lots of straight lines. i know this is a WIP and your on the right track. you need to experiment more with entities (explore hammer for models).

to pull off a little better map, you may want help from already created models in the editor. create some prop_static entities like abandoned cars, fences to line the border, some broken bridge models, walls, and other prop enttities you can find to help draw the eye away from straight lines. you'll also want to learn displacement texturing.

g'luck keep us updated.