Over 95% of American children severely abused!

I saw the source just in time before I went on asking if this was a joke.
I saw the source just in time before I clicked the link.
Yeah this and callng your "mean" parents witches in Salem back in the 1800's. :rolleyes: I say that the current generation is absolutely terrible and it's the lack of slapping the kids around. They cry about not getting ipod's, etc.
Yeah this and callng your "mean" parents witches in Salem back in the 1800's. :rolleyes: I say that the current generation is absolutely terrible and it's the lack of slapping the kids around. They cry about not getting ipod's, etc. Though my mom did corner me once in the corner of my room and hit me with her slipper once. Don't forget the leather belt too. :x
Some of those reasons seem horribly, well, to put it, horribly unabusive.

Though, lots of people are severly abused by their parents a lot now, most parnets I know of call their children a failure atleast once a week (That includes me. Thats right, I'm a failure because I forgot to hand in a worksheet for school. I'm so bad ;P)
HAHAHA I'm going to stick that up on the wall at school and see who it fools.
I used to get beaten with slippers, and I used to get smacked. Never did me any harm. Apart from a severe case of slipperphobia.
I used to get beaten with slippers, and I used to get smacked. Never did me any harm. Apart from a severe case of slipperphobia.
^^ lol'd

lets get taht last 5%.. were not doing bad!


thought ur avatar was a surgeon... then that would have fitted perfectly

seriously though, that is pretty bad 95%
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