Over-analyzing things is fun!


Aug 1, 2004
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Did I spell anylizing wrong?
Edit: Yes I did, Thanks Ennui.

Oh well.

Yes, please, everyone, in this thread, over-anylize everything to the extreme. Here are a few good examples to get you started.

*Gordens glasses actually are high-tech, because they never fall off, and can project weapon information, almost like a HUD.

*The Hazard Suit was designed for combat; what normal hazard suit would tell you when your ammo is depleted? Therefore, the grunts in HL where actually trying to recover your suit, because it was a prototype for combat armor that was disguised as a hazard suit!

Go on, try it out!

(And please dont ban me)
My love for Puzzlemaker is borderline extreme.

ps, analyzing.
Gordon is the G-Man because it's completely obvious that they have similiar nose hairs.
Absinthe said:
Gordon is the G-Man because it's completely obvious that they have similiar nose hairs.

Yeah, I wasn't quite sure...but now I've taken a closer look....yep definately.
*The Hazard Suit was designed for combat; what normal hazard suit would tell you when your ammo is depleted? Therefore, the grunts in HL where actually trying to recover your suit, because it was a prototype for combat armor that was disguised as a hazard suit!

Don't be ridiculous. It's orange.

Nice thread. :LOL:
The entire story of halflife is caused by a tumor in gordon's brain hence the white flashes caused by deoxygenation(?) of the brain and the hallucinations. Gordon is in a hospital bed in a coma.
...and the GMan is Gordon's doctor, that's why he see's him so often during his coma visions/dreams :p
Alyx must be Eli's daughter because she has that one loose hair, and he has almost no hair.
you noticed how Barney was in lots of places in half life 1? either HE is G-mans son, or he is but a member of a nice-guy clone army designed to be nice guys to everyone so they can gain trust and positions of power for their own nefarious purposes.
The Social, Physical, Perverse, Psychological, Sexual, Bestial, Power Trip of the Half-Life Crowbar

By FictiousWill

Quite frankly, the crude brutality and multifaceted functionality of the device is appealing on many psychological and social levels.

The crowbar holds several positive connotations, expecially for young males. Primarily, it is a tool, not a weapon, per se. Societal values present males as builders and constructers, thus being able to wield a powerful tool is psychologically satisfying, providing one of the hierarchy of needs: acceptance of society.

The element of the perverse in human nature is satisfied through the crowbar's use as a weapon. The fundamental need for control or power is exhibited over one's environment through the ability to use a tool to destroy that environment, thus defying the tools intended purpose, which is merely dismantelation. The realization that the crowbar is an efficient weapon serves to boost such connotations. Defying death by killing another is perhaps the most intense power trip imaginable.

The crowbar is symbolic on a few levels. Primarily, it is a phallic symbol, being wielded by a male character. An assertion of the player's masculinity is subconsciencely made whenever the player swings the bar.

The way the weapon is implemented is familiar to that of a baseball bat, which evokes several references. The obvious reference to sport reinforces the theme of acceptance, and to some degree masculinity. The sport link fires another subconscious element of competition, releasing adrenaline in the brain, thus making swinging the crowbar exciting. The competition aspect links back to the phallic symbol, as the primary purpose of adrenaline is to spur the body into a heightened state of awareness, also known as the 'fight or flight' reaction, and survival is directly related (as a means to an end) to reproduction.

The teeth on the end of the crowbar represent prehensile fangs or talons, a bestial connotation that fuels the human brutal and unthinking lust for power or control. The crowbar's distinctive color, red, is symbolic firstly of the blood that is shed due to its use, as a symbol of warning to enemies or rivals (see reproduction, or the alpha-male need mentioned earlier), or (hold on to your hats folks) the blood of the first consumation of marriage.

The hexagonal shape of the crowbar is devoid of curves, save for the prying lever extremity. The precision of the angles evokes a sense of cold mechanical unfeeling and ruthlessness, while the curved head resembles a snake ready to strike. The snake imagery relates back to the fangs mentioned earlier, as well as linking to the phallic and bestial references.

The weathered look of the crowbar serves only to establish the crowbar's (and he who wields it) longevity and immortality, magnifying all the aforementioned pleasurable aspects of the crowbar.

For these reasons the crowbar is a satisfying melee weapon, and this analysis provides some insight as to the reasons behind the crowbar's popularity.
Sulkdodds said:
Don't be ridiculous. It's orange.
That's the beauty. Have you ever read the Diskworld series? If you're up against a dangerous enemy you don't expect a pecil-necked nerd in a bright orange radiation suit with 15 weapons shoved up his ass to come after you so you don't noice the guy in the bright orange suit.
The Gman is everyone but Gordon, thats how he knows everything....
Long live Discworld.

Headcrabs are actually ZOMBIES from HELL, come from PHOBOS via TRANS-DIMENSIONAL PORTALS. They are here to CONSUME in PREPERATION for their INVASION of EARTH....
Jintor said:
Long live Discworld.

Headcrabs are actually ZOMBIES from HELL, come from PHOBOS via TRANS-DIMENSIONAL PORTALS . They are here to CONSUME in PREPERATION for their INVASION of EARTH....

Yes. Long Live the Union Aerospace Corporation.

Oh and, you forgot the SatCom Relay.
All hail the Diskworld!

The Black Guy City 17 model is meant to be the first to die, but during the cutting of the game they wanted him alive.
Becasue he is teh G-Man's bodyguard.
Barney knew the resonance cascade is going to happen because normally he definitely wouldn't offer gordon so much beer!
It is impossible for Gordon to be hit by a car while wearing the hazard suit.
Sam2k said:
It is impossible for Gordon to be hit by a car while wearing the hazard suit.

Yes. He automatically swerves aside with his short recoil like reflexes if theyre doing it on purpose.
Eli Vance worked in UAC (Union Aerospace Corporation), because his earlier design of the Zero Point Energy Manipulator, the Ion Levitator Whatchamacallit, can be found in UAC :p
iMMuNiTy said:
Eli Vance worked in UAC (Union Aerospace Corporation), because his earlier design of the Zero Point Energy Manipulator, the Ion Levitator Whatchamacallit, can be found in UAC :p
So did Dr. Kleiner. He invented the demon-teleporter!
Dr. Breen is Dr. Betruger's incarnation. Hence, their names start with the same letter!
iMMuNiTy said:
Dr. Breen is Dr. Betruger's incarnation. Hence, their names start with the same letter!
And headcrabs become invisible on Mars!
iMMuNiTy said:
Dr. Breen is Dr. Betruger's incarnation. Hence, their names start with the same letter!


Let us all have a moment of silence for the possibly-late DR Breen. Who tryed to save humanity but was killed by a evil psycho with a crowbar.
Hellknights are Vorts on steroids!

OK, I think that's enough off-topicness.
ríomhaire said:
Hellknights are Vorts on steroids!

OK, I think that's enough off-topicness.

That's not off-topic. We're simply over-analysing.