overheating/driver problem??


Jun 28, 2004
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well as the picture shows it looks like some sort of hardware problem...i dont think its overheating because i have it running at default speeds and with a vantec card fan under it....fans are working good..when i play i could usually quick save and quick load to fix the problem, but now that doesnt work...so could this be a driver problem? i have unisntalled all my previous drivers and i am currently running the 4.10s because 11's did the same thing...i am going to try the 11's and the 12's again.. any ideas? please tell me those arnt artifacts
Those are artifacts. :-\ Are your settings in game too high? Do you overclock it at all? What is the temperature of your videocard/cpu?
well i dont know the temprature....how do i check, its not overclock and everything in the game settings is what its defaulted at
Check in your bios. That should tell you the temperature of your cpu. Also, check to see if any fans are not connected.
oh you mean my cpu temperature its..like 30 degrees celcius very cool
i dont think its artifacts..my card isnt even that warm to the touch
ok i guess im going to have too, but im gett a few upgrades for christams..motherboard, case etc...do i have to format my hd anyway to switch motherboards??
You do not need to reformat because I have the same problem and am using the same methods you used for playing the game. I'm using Sapphire R9600 128 MB at default core speed and I even reformatted my drive, but it's still the same. Catalyst 4.12 BETA also didn't solve the problem, now I'm back to 4.11 with the same colorfull artifacts... It's funny, how this happens only when playing HL2 and not in every other game I tried. This MUST be driver or game related! I simply can't believe my card is overheating, when it's not.

An interesting fact is that if you change your video settings (resolution or AA or pixel shader) when playing the game, those artifacts are gone and they appear only when you're into a new gameplay area (loading screen). Have you noticed that?

Hope some of us find a working solution.

well i switched to the newest dna drivers, it worked and i dont have those weird things anymore, i suggest you get them
I haven't been getting artifacts but yesterday my machine restarted while playing hl2, it also happens that my MOB will auto restart if the CPU overheats. The next day i woke up and turned my machine on, again it restarted, but then it wouldn't turn back on.

I haven't been able to turn my machine on ever since, i have eliminated everything except MOB and CPU, I hope hl2 wasn't the cause of this...