Overheating, need advice quick!


Aug 15, 2003
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I've been seeing artifacts in my games lately, namely in Company of Heroes, Oblivion, and sometimes in CSS. So I was poking around the pc trying to find out what was wrong, then I saw this:


64 C IDLE?! I know it's the stock cooler but still, it's ridiculously high.

I need some suggestions, what can I do? I tried cleaning the dust inside but it didn't help.
This is interesting, all this I hear about Duos being really cool and efficient, gotta be your case, I guess you have bad air circulation, where are your fans positioned? Do you have a side vent parallel to the CPU?
Yeah I do have a side vent almost exactly on top of the cpu, and it's blowing air on it. Should I disconnect it?

Edit: underclocked the cpu to original settings E6300 @ 1.86 and the temps dropped about 10 degrees but it's still abnormally high.
Are you using cooling paste? :|

Are you sure the cooler is installed correctly?

Did you clean the cpu surface before attaching?

EDIT: Wait no shit. Your Vcore is WAY too high for such a tiny overclock, lower it.
Yeah cooler is in place correctly, and I used the default junk that came with the cpu. I've been googling the past few hours and I saw dozens of people reaching 3.0ghz on E6300 with stock cooling so I'm kind of disappointed with my setup :/

Gonna try lowering the voltage from 1.325 to 1.25 and see if it helps. BRB!

Ok brought it down to 1.25 but I still see two oddities, I don't understand the readings:


Speedfan has two readings: Vcore1 = 1.25v and Vcore2 = 1.89V

Why are they different?

And should I OC the cpu back up with this lower voltage?
In your first screenshot cpuZ says the Vcore is 1.4V. 1.325 is fine. What is your mainboard?
Are you using cooling paste? :|

Do you need to use cooling paste with C2Ds? I'm not, and I'm running 30C.

Also, vaccum up the computer and fans, make sure they are all working.

Or the final solution, get a full tower case... They run extremely efficient, just take up a shitload of space.
Also make sure your cabling/wiring job is good and clean.

1.4V Vcore is also fine... I'm running at 1.5V because my motherboard locked me out of bios and I'm doing dandy on Temperature...

Maybe its your video card expelling the heat?
You've not got any thermal material between the cpu and the heatsink ... ?
Newer Motherboards are suppose to have some special material between the CPU and heatsink nowadays.. Atleast... So I think?
I just played a full one hour skirmish in CoH and no artifacts, they used to pop out after a few minutes. But the idle temp is still 45 C, gonna try some arctic silver and/or order a new heatsink for the cpu.
Get the Arctic Freezer 7 pro. Don't judge it by the price, it's one of the best coolers around for only $20. It has a pre-applied serving of Arctic MX-1 cooling paste, which is the best paste there is atm.
Just ordered the freezer-7 from newegg, should be here on tuesday. I just hope it'll bring down the temps to normal. Thanks for the help fellas!
If you are seeing artifacts then it would most likely be a video card issue with rendering the images. Have you checked the temp of the video card?
If you are seeing artifacts then it would most likely be a video card issue with rendering the images. Have you checked the temp of the video card?

Yeah I know, that's the weird thing. I raised the gpu's fan speed to bring the temp down, it ranges from 65-75 C under load and between 50-55 C idle. The artifacts stopped though when I reduced the cpu's voltage, not when I raised the gpu fan's speed. I wouldn't know how to explain it. Bear in mind, I did not run extensive tests neither. But CoH showed artifacts within minutes into a game, it doesn't anymore even though the gpu's temp is still in the ranges it was before I raised the rpm on the fan.

But I figure the arctic hs will allow me to oc the cpu to those ludicrous speeds everyone keeps blabbering about on various forums. I read about a guy who has his e6300 allendale clocked at 4.0ghz, I want to be able to have 2.4ghz without worrying about overheating.
It might just be the ventilation itself. Go buy some case fans and install 'em...
I never thought about my cpu overheating, but after reading this thread I looked at my temps and it looks like my cpu is running too hot also, heres a pic:http://img148.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cputempeu5.jpg
So i guess temp under load for the 3500+ winchester are supposed to be 42C, should i just scrape off the thermal compound and put some new stuff on there? Also should i take the processor out of its socket to do so. I wasn't really sure how much to put on before so i put a few drops...how much is "supposed" to go on?(i have stock hs and fan). Somewhere i did see that your only supposed to put 1 drop of... artic 7, i think.
I seem to be jacking everyones thread, sorry agian, i just don't want to kill my cpu either.:(

-But yea, in regaurds to gunners question, i would put more case fans in and install your new heatsink.
People always say, for thermal paste, to drop a single "bead" of paste in the center then use something thin and small like a business card to spread the paste evenly in a thin layer covering the core.

I'm gonna turn off the pc tonite and try playing around with the fans and see if I can improve the air flow : )
Foxhound, the MSI board you have a lot of people say the sensor reports higher CPU temps than they really are. Touch the heatsink and see just how warm it is. My other PC has a similar MSI model (Socket 754 though) and I know it reports incorrect temps.
So i just touched my heatsink and it wasn't even warm to the touch i'm not sure if that is a good sign or not... So how does that sound?:farmer:
So i just touched my heatsink and it wasn't even warm to the touch i'm not sure if that is a good sign or not... So how does that sound?:farmer:

If the heatsink was not flush with the CPU (meaning it would not be dissipating the heat off the CPU) your CPU would be really hot and the PC would auto shut down. But that isn't the case.

If it makes you feel any better go to the MSI forums and see if others with that board also have high CPU temps from incorrect sensor readings. Or take off the heatsink and reapply thermal grease. Up to you. ;)
I've been seeing artifacts in my games lately, namely in Company of Heroes, Oblivion, and sometimes in CSS. So I was poking around the pc trying to find out what was wrong, then I saw this:


64 C IDLE?! I know it's the stock cooler but still, it's ridiculously high.

I need some suggestions, what can I do? I tried cleaning the dust inside but it didn't help.

I believe I know the problem. Open the case, and then turn the computer on; look at the fan!

If its not moving, then its most likely you've inserted the fan into a 4 pin socket (4th pin for changing fan speeds on the fly). If thats the case, and you find that can't change the fane speed in the bios, or any other app, then by all means, insert the fan into a 3 pin socket (ensuring that the necessary pins are connected up)
I believe I know the problem. Open the case, and then turn the computer on; look at the fan!

If its not moving, then its most likely you've inserted the fan into a 4 pin socket (4th pin for changing fan speeds on the fly). If thats the case, and you find that can't change the fane speed in the bios, or any other app, then by all means, insert the fan into a 3 pin socket (ensuring that the necessary pins are connected up)

The fans are all functioning properly from what I can tell. But it's not a big deal anymore, idle temp is at 40C and with the arctic fan, it'll be around 35 C. Now the thing is Company of Heroes is still giving me trouble.

So I visited Relic's technical assistance forums, lo and behold, there are thousands of threads with people experiencing the same problems as me. One guy went even through the trouble of making of a vid of the artifacts in CoH.


So after reading through all the various suggestions, I lowered all the gfx settings to low or off when possible. I played one game and it crashed after 30 minutes. And I remembered I finished the SP campaign without a problem, this shit started when I patched the game.

Anyway, I had another question: is there a downside to having the gpu's fan turn at 100% 24/7? besides the noise that is, does it damage the fan or something like that?
Artic Cooling solutions are the shizzle, always worth the money.