OW! my fps hurts.


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
ok, ALL my games are performing really badly recently and i dunno why.
i get REALLY low fps in all my games which never used to occur.

in BF2 i get around 15fps which isnt playable, and about 30fps in source games which isnt acceptable.

this is with medium settings with no AA or AF, which is annoying as is usually get about 60-90fps with AA X2 on high settings.


i have no spyware, my HDD is defragged nothings overclocked, nothings overheating, everything is up to date so whatsup!?

im using a P4 3ghz 2GB DDR2 X850XT machine so this performance shit is pissing me off.
99% guaranteed solution: Format, reinstall everything.

If it still gives you crappy FPS after that then you're SOL.
why will my connection speed affect my framerate?

It will cause the situation you are describing, fyi.

If it's happening offline maybe you are not as virus free as you'd like to believe, or a component is going bad.
How is your voltage?
ive had this since i reformatted, a month or so ago.
cpu voltage? dunno 3v or something,its set to auto, i stopped overclocking to see if it was causing it but it sure wasnt.

anyway what are you on about, connection speed has no relation to framerate.

me no comprendes. :
anyway what are you on about, connection speed has no relation to framerate.

me no comprendes. :

In Source game relying on Steam, setting your connection speed to something other than what it needs to be will give you latency of death, and quite possibly (100% in my experience) drop yor framerate considerably.
I don't know if it's the same for BF2 but it could be.
I had a similar problem, but only with steam. I uninstalled my Nvidia firewall that came with the motherboard drivers and all is fine.
internet connection doesnt effect framerate at all. but framerate can effect ping. have you tried to see if there is anything running in the background or if its something you set in the ati control panel?
internet connection doesnt effect framerate at all. but framerate can effect ping. have you tried to see if there is anything running in the background or if its something you set in the ati control panel?
Go into your Steam connection settings, change your connection type, then go play CS:S online for me please.
dude !!! try using "sisoft sandra". its a tool to check the stabilty of pc components. it can check right from ur pc's physical memory to processor.

here is the link for sisoft sandra mate

Go into your Steam connection settings, change your connection type, then go play CS:S online for me please.

umm that damn internet thing barely changes anything at all and it wont. asfaik its mostly used for surveys because it makes no difference at all.
you must have a wierd PC if your connection affects your ping.
looks like some process was taking up 50% cpu time constantly, guess that bottlenecked everything. this mobo is conroe compatible so i gots to get a conroe in this thing.
yes i have i even put it on 56k and no difference at all. you must have only thought it up in your mind because it doesnt do a damn thing to effect your performance.

1) I clearly stated this happens to my computer.

2) This has happened in the past to other people with better computers than I.

Maybe you are just lucky.