P4 2.8HT running at 1.4??? WTF??????


Mar 15, 2005
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My pc just started running at 1.4 instead of 2.8 and its driving me insane!!!!! :angry:

btw im a n00b at hardware.
How exactly did you come to the conclusion that it runs at 1.4
Well the BIOS says 1.4 the programs i use say 1.4 and when u check the properties of my computer it says that it currently is running at 1.4
well can you tell us anything else like what the fsb is running at? most likely it might be at like 140*10=1400mhz (10 being the multiplier and 140 being the fsb)
If it was running at 2800MHz then 2800/200=14 for the multiplyer. Lets say the FSB got reset to 100 then 14*100=1400mhz. The FSB would never be 140 unless he actually set it so. And 10 is not the right multiplyer for a 2.8 p4.

Is this a laptop or a desktop? If it's a laptop it could be powersaving.
bryanf445 said:
well can you tell us anything else like what the fsb is running at? most likely it might be at like 140*10=1400mhz (10 being the multiplier and 140 being the fsb)

Well the BIOS does show the FSB. where do i find it?
DE3000 said:
Well the BIOS does show the FSB. where do i find it?
It will either say FSB (Front Side Bus), Clock or Bus speed.

It should be set at 200MHz or if it shows the rating instead of the actual clock speed then it would be 800.
Asus said:
If it was running at 2800MHz then 2800/200=14 for the multiplyer. Lets say the FSB got reset to 100 then 14*100=1400mhz. The FSB would never be 140 unless he actually set it so. And 10 is not the right multiplyer for a 2.8 p4.

Is this a laptop or a desktop? If it's a laptop it could be powersaving.

Its a desktop. and i didnt set anything.
post it ?? just click on manage attachments in a "go advanceed" or upload on some online service(free)
Have you checked your jumpers?(if you have any) I know my last setup with my 2600+ was like 500mhz short, then saw I needed to change around the jumpers for the fsb.
DE3000 said:
Ok i will but where do i put the screenshot?

Imageshack is the best place, but if you are really stuck for somewhere to put it, PM me and i'll get it somehow and host it on my webspace.
Think it works.

Screenshot of CPU-Z.


  • Current.JPG
    44 KB · Views: 235
Shouldn't your FSB be at 200? Did someone play in the Bios or with the jumpers on the mobo?
yep your FSB was reset.
pump it up in bios on 200, and it will be 2.8 again :)
if you dont know working in bios, just pm me , or post it here.
Ti133700N said:
Shouldn't your FSB be at 200? Did someone play in the Bios or with the jumpers on the mobo?

I dunno but the mobo doesnt have the option to change the fsb at all. as for jumpers i dnt know either. the case hasnt been opened since i bought it and it changed recently.
Is your clock at the same time it was when everything was fine? I mean the actual clock in Windows? I boubt the batterie (dunno how you call that) is dead but ... that could also confirm a reset in the bios.

And yes you can change the FSB in the bios, just post another screenshot of cpu-z but with the Mainboard tab opened. Or give us the motherboard model number.
Ti133700N said:
Is your clock at the same time it was when everything was fine? I mean the actual clock in Windows? I boubt the batterie (dunno how you call that) is dead but ... that could also confirm a reset in the bios.

And yes you can change the FSB in the bios, just post another screenshot of cpu-z but with the Mainboard tab opened. Or give us the motherboard model number.

Well the clock did go a bit off. screenshot soon. dont know model number.
Heres my mobo CPU-Z screenshot.


  • Mainboard.JPG
    37.6 KB · Views: 216
NikolaX said:
yep your FSB was reset.
pump it up in bios on 200, and it will be 2.8 again :)
if you dont know working in bios, just pm me , or post it here.

How do you put it up?
(will help other ppl who dnt know if i ask it here)
you need to go into teh bios, once there you should find a frequency setting called FSB or system bus, not sure what it is called cos i have never owned a Pentium system. Someone else should know. THen you need to change it to 200mhz, if it is 100mhz just now.

EDIT: if you arn't confident in using the bios settings, then i would recommend that you ask someone else who lives near you who might know since you can really mess up your pc if you change a wrong setting by accident if you arn't sure what you are changing.
duffers20 said:
you need to go into teh bios, once there you should find a frequency setting called FSB or system bus, not sure what it is called cos i have never owned a Pentium system. Someone else should know. THen you need to change it to 200mhz, if it is 100mhz just now.

The BIOS doesnt have the option to change the FSB.
what motherbord do you have?
If you have Intel, i dont know then, in intel you cant change fsb., or eny advance settings.
but better whait for asus to post, i didnt work with intel mobos, or intel based chipsets.
NikolaX said:
what motherbord do you have?
If you have Intel, i dont know then, in intel you cant change fsb., or eny advance settings.
but better whait for asus to post, i didnt work with intel mobos, or intel based chipsets.

Check my mainboard attachment up there^.

Its Asus i think.
let me just search some infos, and i will post little later with solution.
1 ting you can try:
open case,disconnect power cable and take battery out for 1 min, then put it back, and try to see if it changed, this will reset CMOS and it will revert back to original settings .

If it reset to 100 by itself, it could well be yours CMOS battery is flat and therefore not storing settings. Replace the CR2032 battery on the motherboard
DE3000 said:
Check my mainboard attachment up there^.

Its Asus i think.

He means what type of motherboard do you have :P in your case, its an Intel motherboard, Asus is just the manufacturer of the board but it has an Intel socket and an Intel CPU on the board, as apposed to AMD (Asus make both Intel and AMD socket boards).

I'd also wait for Asus to post something more, he knows his shit man :)
The Cpu has nothing to do with the BIOS, it's the motherboard! Look carefully in the BIOS, there should be somewhere that says Automatic for the FSB or Clock. Change it to manual and it will unlock the FSB setting (and some other options).
I love these rediculous problems. Must have seen this question asked a million times. Sometimes the bios has an option for speed. So it's possible you could just select 2.8ghz.
If his processor is supposed to be a 2.8, then there is no need to manually set these things. I would recommend going to the BIOS and putting "Load Optimized Defaults". That should be in the main menu of the BIOS setup, and it could work.

It often happens that my brother restarts my computer and then shuts it off during POST. When that happens, the BIOS goes into "safe" mode in where everything is clocked a lot slower. For instance, my 2400+ shows up as an 1800+ when in "safe" mode, as well as the memory, it shows up as 200mhz when its supposed to be 400mhz. To fix it you should try what I recommended above.

And another thing, I have never heard of a BIOS that lets you pick a clock speed like the above poster mentioned.